Videos are an entertaining way to learn about the mysteries surrounding the Bermuda Triangle. You can find Bermuda Triangle videos on YouTube, cable network documentaries and other online outlets. One thing these videos reveal is when it comes to the Bermuda Triangle, there are no easy answers to explain the phenomenon.
Alien Council
Leonard Nimoy hosted and narrated a documentary series called In Search of that explored the world of unsolved mysteries. One episode titled The Bermuda Triangle, probed a radio broadcast claim that the Bermuda Triangle is actually a testing area for spacemen.
The USS Cyclops
The USS Cyclops left Brazil on February 16, 1918. On March 3rd and 4th, she was known to be in Barbados. This was the last time the USS Cyclops, and it's 306 passengers and crew were ever seen. There was no distress call, debris, wreckage, or any no evidence of what happened, and the ship with 306 passengers and crew aboard was never found. The video below explores the disappearance of the USS Cyclops.
Flight 19
On the afternoon of December 5, 1945, five TBM Avenger Torpedo Bombers with 14 men aboard (Flight 19), took off from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on a routine two-hour training mission and mysteriously disappeared. A search and rescue aircraft with thirteen aboard was dispatched to find missing plane and crew, and it also vanishes. Neither the aircraft nor any of the 27 crewmen were ever seen again. The official navy report said the planes disappeared "as if they had flown to Mars." This short BBC video tells the story of their disappearance.
Ellen Austin and the Ghost Ship
In 1881 the American schooner, Ellen Austin, met another ship that was moving through the Bermuda Triangle. Strangely, the vessel had no one on board. To salvage the ship, the captain of the Ellan Austin dispatched some of his crew onto the boat to sail it to New York. This video, from the beginning until the 4:23 mark, chronicles the disappearance of the unnamed ship and its crews from the Ellen Austin.
Joshua Slocum and the Spray
Joshua Slocum, famous for being the first person to sail solo around the globe, disappeared on a 1909 voyage in the Spray. He was sailing from Martha's Vineyard to South America. Precisely what happened to Joshua Slocum is unclear, but many sources attribute his disappearance to the Bermuda Triangle. This video chronicles Slocum's life and disappearance.
Star Tiger and Star Ariel
The first half of this video tells the story of two British South American aircraft that disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle within less than a year. Star Tiger disappeared January 30, 1948. Star Ariel disappeared January 17, 1949.
More Videos About the Bermuda Triangle
Below are a few more of the plethora of videos about the Bermuda Triangle you'll find online.
- MysteryQuest Devil's Triangle takes you on an air and sea expedition in which investigators try to unlock the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle (The Devil's Triangle). It takes you on a flight through the Bermuda Triangle, explores almost all the most famous disappearances, and recounts the experiences of Christopher Columbus and Charles Lindbergh. It also delves into possible causes from UFOs to electronic fog and more.
- Drain the Bermuda Triangle is National Geographic video documentary in which scientists use new technology to "drain" the Triangle in order to find the wreckage of lost ships and aircraft, and it also explores other strange and bizarre features of the Bermuda Triangle, such as blueholes, whirlpools, rogue waves, and the Bimini Road.
- A pilot flies into a time warp. On December 4, 1970, Bruce Gernon and two friends were flying from the Bahamas back to Florida encountered a strange magnetic fog. They lived to tell about it.
- Stuff They Don't Want You to Know about the Bermuda Triangle discusses theories about what happens in the Triangle.
- 10 Mysterious Facts about the Bermuda Triangle is exactly what it sounds like: facts about this mysterious area.
- 10 Facts You Didn't Know About the Bermuda Triangle discusses debunked information about the Triangle.
- Crystal Pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle: In 2012 American and French research scientists discover a pyramid in the Triangle.
Phenomena of Nature or Paranormal Phenomena?
You'll notice that most of these videos handle the Bermuda Triangle professionally and with a scientific eye towards understanding whether the disappearances are phenomena of nature or paranormal phenomena. What sets the Bermuda Triangle apart from most other tall tales is that many of the disappearances and strange experiences in the Bermuda Triangle have recorded evidence such as radar signatures and audio recordings. You have to believe there's something beyond the ordinary when traditional researchers and scientists are puzzled enough to put so much time, effort, and money into searching for a rational, logical explanation.