Chupacabra images circulated as real Chupacabra sightings have turned out to be mange-ridden coyotes or misidentified hairless canines. The public is left to wonder what this cryptid creature may really look like. Some artists have created various illustrations from eyewitness descriptions.
First Sightings of the Chupacabra
The first sightings of the Chupacabra (goat sucker) came for Puerto Rico sometime in the mid-1990s. It was described as 4'-5' bipedal creature. Eyewitnesses described it as having extremely large eyes.
The back of this fearsome blood-sucker had long spikes that ran along its spine. It had human like hands with sharp elongated claws. Some of these early Chupacabra reports described the creature as having a frightening demonic appearance. Some eyewitnesses described the creature as having wings.
Other descriptions compared its skin to that of a lizard. Some people speculated that the animal was the product of genetic experimentation being carried out in secret by the U.S. government and it escaped the lab in Puerto Rico.
The terrifying tales of the Chupacabra's nocturnal attacks on livestock in Puerto Rico included mass livestock killings, especially goats. The stories coming out of Puerto Rico set off a wave of similar reports that quickly spread across the southwest United States and continues to this day.
Unlike the creature seen in the Southwest the Puerto Rico, Chupacabra's strange physical characteristics made it capable of moving swiftly, making it an elusive cryptid.
Hairless Dog Explanation
The stories of the Chupacabra devolved over the decades as it morphed from a bipedal to a four-legged creature similar to a canine. Eyewitnesses claim that the Chupacabra looks similar to a hairless dog. However, the blood-sucking critter has smaller ears than typical canines of the same size. This monster is described as being extremely vicious.
It may be possible that what people have seen is truly a mixed breed of a coyote and some kind of hairless dog. It may be an unknown type of hairless wild dog. One of the more disturbing characteristics of this version of the Chupacabra is its legs. The back legs are described as being much longer than the front legs, giving it an odd gait.

Is the Chupacabra a Coyote With Mange?
One of the most common explanations for sightings of the Chupacabra is mistaken identity. Many skeptics point out that the description of this animal closely matches that of a canine or a coyote with mange.
When a coyote succumbs to the parasitic mite infestation, it creates hair loss and leaves the coyote's leathery gray skin exposed. Any normal features of the coyote are pronounced without the hair. Many sightings of the creature describe it as having long fang-like cuspids (also known as canine teeth). If the coyote is malnourished and emaciated its teeth may appear more menacing than it would if it were healthy.

Claims of Chupacabra an Alien Creature
Going back to the original description of a bipedal creature, there have been some sightings of the Chupacabra that describe it as a semi-human. It has the ability to fly when it wants and it can leap great distances, making it impossible to capture or kill. This description is almost similar to the early sightings in Puerto Rico.
Some eyewitnesses are convinced they saw an alien creature in the darkness of night with shiny red eyes. There is some speculation that the Chupacabra just might be an alien life form stranded on this planet. Eyewitnesses claim the alien creature had the spiky fur and glowing red eyes characteristics that are so prominent in many Chupacabra descriptions.
The Cuero Chupacabra
The famous Cuero Chupacabra was discovered dead in the road by Dr. Phyllis Canion (Texas). She had seen the animal on her ranch for almost two years prior to it being hit by a vehicle. She had the animal preserved by a taxidermist to display in her home.
When Texas State University claimed the animal was a coyote, even though the researchers recognize that it doesn't look like a coyote. Dr. Canion didn't accept the university's DNA findings and pursued other DNA testing. These tests came back with a mother coyote and a father Mexican wolf. This testing still didn't explain why the animal had a humped back, nodules on its hind end, and other anomalous features. It's been dubbed the Texas Blue Dog.

Imagess of Chupacabra Reveal Distinct Characteristics
Many Chupacabra enthusiasts believe there are two distinct creatures. One is a bipedal, and the other is similar to a canine. Many skeptics believe the Southwest Chupacabra is nothing more than a misidentified mangy coyote.