7 Free Past Life Reading Websites

Updated July 7, 2021
tarot cards

Uncovering the secrets of your past lives can be life-altering. It can help you understand some of the fears, hates, loves, and habits you have in a way that finally makes sense. While talking to a psychic or reader is a wonderful way to learn this information, there are also several free online resources to get you started on the road to past-life discovery.

Tarot Card Past Life Reading

This website offers free tarot readings using an automated program.

  1. Scroll down the page to the Past Life Reading.
  2. Click the "free tarot reading" link below it.

This past life spread gives examples of past life influences ruling over different areas of your life. Before you click the link to take you to your reading, spend a few moments clearing your mind and focusing on what you want to know. In the tarot spread you are dealt eight cards that address each area of your life, such as emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, karmic debt, karmic lesson, impact on current life, and impact on future.

Tarot-card website

Tarot Card Spreads for Past Life Readings

The Free Tarot Card Readings website offers another eight card spread. The visitor is instructed that you don't need to ask any questions or that you can concentrate on a specific question you desire to ask the cards and then click on the link.

The spread reveals the following about your past life:

  • Past life emotional influence
  • Past life mental influence
  • Past life spiritual influence
  • Past life physical influence
  • Karmic debt you must pay
  • Karmic lesson you must learn
  • Past life impact on your life now
  • Past life impact on your future

Astrology Circle Past Life Reading

Astrology Circle offers a free past life reading online that requires you to enter your date of birth, the time of birth (using the 24-hour clock), and the latitude and longitude of your birth. If you don't know this information, you can open a new web browser and search for a "latitude and longitude finder." Once you decide on one to use, follow the instructions for entering your town and state or province and country.

This free analysis is very thorough. You receive information about several planets of your birth chart that reveal the circumstances of your past life and the lessons you learned or didn't learn, as well as the influence that lifetime has on your current life. In addition, you're given suggestions about how you can reconcile the lessons in this lifetime while capitalizing on your past life experiences.

Astrology Circle

Love-Meter Past Life Reading

This reading is generated by entering your present name, birthdate, and gender. Once you enter the information and submit, a screen reveals your past life gender, profession, a brief psychological profile, and the lesson you're enacting this life as a result of your past life.

Love-Meter offers a second past life reading that is based solely on your birthdate.

Free Psychological Test for Past Life Reading

Past Life Test is another fun algorithm reading. You are asked several questions, such as your sex, birthdate, zodiac sign, the quality that characterizes you most, things you fear the most, your favorite number, and what school subject appeals most to you.

The reading is then generated from your answers, and you are redirected to a new page on the website that contains a paragraph about your previous past life.

Screenshot of PastLife Website

Past Life Regression Online

You can occasionally find a free past life regression recording online that you can play and see if you are able to recall a past life. You can find several guided past life regression videos on YouTube. The biggest challenge most people find in this type of regression is not having someone to ask you questions (conductor) or lead you through any obstacles you encounter. Regressing requires quite a bit of meditative discipline to not become so relaxed that you simply drift off to sleep. If that happens to you, don't give up. Continue to practice the guided meditation until you are able to free part of your consciousness to be aware of what is transpiring. While this is typically the conductor's job, you can successfully accomplish a self-directed past life regression with practice.

Using the Information From a Reading

Whenever you receive a past life reading, the first thing you should ask yourself is if it rings true to you. Take some time to focus on how the reading makes you feel and if it is truly on target. Trust your instincts and then go from there. While free past life readings can give you a glimpse into your past, the soul record of all of your past lives resides inside you and is accessible through meditation or past life regression.

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7 Free Past Life Reading Websites