9 Free Psychic Test Resources to Assess Your Talents

Updated May 7, 2021
Practicing Telekinetic Powers with Glass of Water

If you've ever wondered about your psychic abilities, there are many free online psychic tests that can help you determine whether you have them and how powerful they are. These nine free online psychic testing websites offer psychic quizzes, tests, and resources look into various aspects of psychic ability and range from simple to complex.

Test Psychic Abilities on Psychic Science

The website Psychic Science has an interesting array of psychic ability tests and online games.

On the site, you'll find tests for the following.


Psychokinesis testing measures your abilities to manipulate objects with your mind. You can take either a ball drop test or a PK dial test. Use these tests to explore what you can move with your mind.


Quick ESP and advanced extrasensory perception tests measure your ability to telepathically sense information. To play, scroll down to the bottom of the page where you'll see an array of Zener cards. Click start, and then select the card you think will come up next. You'll be given a score of how well you compare to chance.


Precognition testing measures your ability to predict future events. The test allows you to guess whether you'll be shown a blank screen or a staring face. To test, scroll to the bottom. On the right, select the option for the number of trials you wish to run. Then click start. At the end of the trial, you'll be shown how you scored in relationship to chance.

Zener Psychic Test Cards

At Psychic Experiences, you can take a popular test known as the Zener card test. The test is extremely simple, and it's based on the work of psychologist Dr. Karl Zener of Duke University, North Carolina, in the 1920s. The test Dr. Zener constructed uses a set of 25 cards featuring one of five possible symbols (a circle, square, star, cross, or waves). To determine whether you have extrasensory perception, you guess which symbol will appear on each card.

Zener Psychic test cards

The Institute of Noetic Sciences

The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) was founded by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell with the goal to explore psychic functioning and its impact on society using science with an open mind. The Institute offers a test to determine how well your intuition works. You'll need to answer a few questions, and then you'll be shown a series of images of faces. You need to determine whether the faces are of living or dead people. At the end, you'll see how well you did in relation to chance. You'll need Adobe Flash to use the site.

The Boundary Institute

The former Boundary Institute, run by Dr. Richard Shoup, Ph.D, and Thomas Etter, no longer exists, but its tests are now maintained by IONS. These free informal tests measure psychic functioning based on techniques used in formal lab experiments. Before you start the test, you must use Firefox instead of Chrome. Be sure you enable cookies in your settings. The tests require completion of a registration and a questionnaire. Once you complete the tests, the webpage immediately provides your results.

  • Remote viewing, which measures your ability to picture something in your mind
  • Card tests to measure ESP
  • A lottery test to measure precognition
  • A location test to determine whether you can psychically track something to a physical location

Fourmilab Switzerland Psychokinesis Tests

John Walker, the creator of AutoCAD (a CAD drawing and design program), created the Fourmilab website to provide the public with information on the subjects of computing and science. Walker's site hosts a page providing free RetroPsychoKinesis experiments. Retropsychokinesis is the ability to alter random data before that data is displayed. Since computers are ideal "random-number generators," John provides the public with three fascinating (and oddly addictive) biofeedback Java applets that promise to test this psychic ability.

Bell Curve Test

For the bell curve test, try to move a line to the right or left of the bell curve with your mind. Choose right or left, and then select Practice or Record and select Run Experiment. Click start on the next page to begin.

Clock Face Test

On a virtual clock face, try to move the hands either clockwise or counterclockwise around a clock face using your mind. Select which direction, Practice or Record, and then click Run Experiment. Click the start button on the next page when you're ready to try.


Try to swing a pendulum either wide or narrow. Select your options and click Run Experiment. Click start on the next page when you are ready to begin.

pendulum swinging with motion blur

Remote Viewing

This test for Remote Viewing provides you with a coordinate number. You are provided a place to enter your notes as you remote view. Once you've completed your remote viewing, you can click on the coordinates button and a popup screen reveals the object. Write down what the target was in the notes. You can repeat as many times as you like by clicking on New Session.

Telekinesis Tests

Telekinesis is another fascinating psychic ability, and this test is one of the more fun ones. Meditate or concentrate on moving the bar either to the right or left. The goal is to cause the computer-generated random number algorithm to sway more to one side or the other.

JVP Psychic Test

From celebrity psychic James Van Praagh comes the JVP psychic test. Answer a few simple questions about photos to see if your impressions match up with his!

Test Your Sixth Sense

The Spiritual Science Research Foundation offers several subtle experiments to test your sixth sense. You are asked to do a brief meditation, then you focus on a blank card that is masking an image. You will then repeat by focusing on a second blank card. The next step is to compare the two blank cards and indicate if you feel pleasant, unpleasant or neutral for each and how you feel when comparing the two blank cards. You're then taken to the reveal page where you can see the actual images for each card and compare how you did with others.

Evaluating Your Results From Online Psychic Testing

One small sample is not enough to determine whether you may have abilities. Instead, you need to test your abilities multiple times so you can arrive at an average. For example, you are more likely to get an accurate picture of your ESP abilities if you work with 500 Zener cards than if you only test 10. Take the test multiple times and keep track of your results. Then, you can average how well you did and see whether your abilities over time are higher than chance would dictate.

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9 Free Psychic Test Resources to Assess Your Talents