Ghost flames are mysterious phenomena often called spook lights, ghost orbs, and corpse candles. These strange lights have been seen around the world for centuries and often believed to be fairies, ghosts, elementals, UFOs, or some kind of natural phenomenon, like ball lightning.
Corpse Candles, Scotland
In a 1897 account, R.C. Maclagan wrote about ghost lights that appear in the Scottish Highlands. These lights were reportedly seen prior to deaths. In these stories, the lights were referred to as "corpse candles" or "death candles". One of the most famous stories of a ghost candle happened in 1902 when a woman's body was found stuffed inside a barrel. The newspapers reported various sightings of a ghost flame appeared over the mountain where her body was later found. The corpse candles have been reported on mountains, valleys, and rivers. These mysterious burning lights have also been seen in Wales and Ireland.
Big Thicket Ghost Light, TX
If you are traveling along the Old Bragg Road that runs through Big Thicket, Texas, beware of the strange ghost flame known as the Big Thicket Light. Older stories about this ghost light call it the Saratoga Light since the road was once a railroad track that ran between Bragg Station in Big Thicket and the town of Saratoga. Others call this strange orange glowing orb the Bragg Road Ghost Light.
Old Bragg Road cuts through what many claim is the densest woods in Hardin County. Once on the road, it doesn't take very long before the light appears. In the 1960s, people flocked to the road to witness the light, thanks to a series of newspaper articles stirring up interest. In the October 1974 issue of National Geographic, a featured story about the Big Thicket Light that was accompanied by a photo of the light.
The light is described as a glowing ball that appears and disappears as you travel the 8-mile stretch of Old Bragg Road. Skeptics believe the light is nothing more than car light reflections or swamp gas. However, eyewitnesses never pass another vehicle when the light is observed and there is only a single light, not double lights. Others believe that the light could be the ghosts of Spanish men coming back for buried treasure, the ghost of a man shot by Confederate soldiers, or the apparition of a railroad man who was decapitated in a terrible train accident along this stretch of track. Although no one has been able to identify the source of the ghost flame, the video and photographic evidence along with eyewitness accounts prove that the light is real.
Silver Cliff Cemetery Blue Ghost Flames, CO
Spooky blue dancing lights are reported in a cemetery of the old mining town of Silver Cliff, Colorado. The town is located in Wet Mountain Valley just west of Pueblo. The strange blue ghost flames have been reported since 1890.
Witnesses report seeing these strange lights floating about the Silver Cliff cemetery. While the flaming lights are usually blue, they often change to white and sometimes other colors. The August 1969 issue of National Geographic featured their investigation into the mysterious lights.
In the article, the author described seeing blue-white lights appear between the graves. Whenever the team approached the lights or shined a flashlight beam towards them, the lights vanished. The magazine's investigative team concluded there was no explanation for the ghostly lights.
As is the case with most ghost flame sightings around the world, locals and investigators all offer their own theories. Skeptics believe the light is nothing more than car light reflections or swamp gas. Others believe that the light could be the ghosts of Spanish men coming back for buried treasure, the ghost of a man shot by Confederate soldiers, or the apparition of a railroad man who was decapitated in a terrible train accident along this stretch of track. Although no one has been able to identify the source of the ghost flame, the photographic evidence and witnesses prove that the light is real.
Yakima Indian Reservation Ghost Flames, WA
A mysterious light moving above the Toppenish Ridge was reported by forest rangers and Chief Fire Control Officer Bill Vogel. the teardrop shaped light that resembled a burning flame was watched by these men for 90 minutes. The Toppenish Ridge is part of the Yakima Indian Reservation of the Yakama Nation in southern Washington state.
The Air Force investigated and supposedly captured the light in a photo and video footage. The highest level of activity of the ghost flames was in the 1970s. Seen by campers and rangers, the lights were blamed for many electrical devices failing. Several eyewitnesses claimed they received telepathic messages.

Possible Explanations for Ghost Flames
There are many possible explanations tossed out for these and other ghost flame sightings. Car lights is the most commonly offered theory. Other leading theories involve some kind of Earthly geological phenomenon, such as ball lightning, swamp gases that generate these ghostly flames. So far, no researcher has been able to explain conclusively what causes these ghostly lights.
Ghost Flame Sightings
Whether these lights are described as UFOs, fairies or ghosts, the ghost flames have been seen and reported across the world and throughout history. Many people believe these spooky lights are lost spirits that roam the earth for eternity.