Orbs of light are highly debated phenomena in paranormal circles. Some people believe seeing orbs of light is visible evidence of ghosts. However, many researchers doubt whether orbs are ghosts at all. Others believe encountering an orb is a spirit guide trying to send you a message. While no one knows whether spirits are able to consciously harness this energy or not, many people witness and photograph orbs. If you see a colorful orb with the naked eye or take a photo of one and wonder what it means, then interpreting its color may provide you with more information about the energy present.
Orb Colors and What They Mean
Ghosts and spirits are energy, and all energy has a vibration that can be interpreted as a color. Therefore, if you spot a colorful ghost orb, its color may provide more information. However, even if it isn't a ghost, the orb's color may contain a message from spirit guides specifically for you. Interpreting the energy colors can help you better understand that message. The chart below offers an at-a glance guide for interpreting orb colors when you encounter them regardless of whether they are ghosts or messages from spirit.

Clear orbs may be a sign an entity is trying to communicate with you. The spirit may be trying to let the living know that some kind of significant event happened in that location and that the spirit wants help to move on. If the clear orb contains a personal message to you, your guides may be advising you to tune into your intuition to seek clarity.

Silver is associated with Divine guidance and connection with a higher source. Seeing a silver orb may indicate the presence of spirit guides trying to communicate with you, or it may indicate that if you tune into your psychic ability, you will better understand what the orb is trying to tell you. If it's a ghost orb, silver may indicate the presence of a ghost who was highly spiritual when they were alive.
White is also color associated with Divinity and high-frequency beings from the angelic realms. Encountering a white orb may be a sign of Divine or angelic guidance or it may indicate a ghost that was pure of heart in their life.

Many people panic if they see a black orb, as black is often a color associated with negativity and evil. And encountering a black orb can indicate the presence of a very low vibration or negative entity; however, it can also indicate the presence of protection as well. If you feel a sense of foreboding when you see a black orb, it's more likely that is from low vibration and negative energy or somebody who had dark energy when they were alive. If you feel peace, then it may be a sign of protection.
Spiritually, brown colors are associated with lower spiritual vibrations or earth energy. Therefore, brown orbs may indicate the presence of an Earth spirit, or it could indicate the presence of a ghost with a low-vibration energy. Again, listen to your intuition. If you feel uncomfortable, leave and surround yourself with a white light of protection.

Orange is a color associated with vitality and joy. It can also indicate a sense of connection and belonging. Therefore, when you encounter an orange orb, you may be encountering a joyful spirit, one that feels connected with you or its status as a ghost, or one with a great deal of creative energy. It could also provide a personal message to dial into your own creativity and inspiration.
From a spiritual perspective, red is associated with safety and security. Therefore, encountering a red orb may be a message to seek protection or that you are protected. If the red orb indicates the presence of a ghost, then it may indicate the spirit is passionate, restless, or angry.

Gold is a color with highly spiritual meanings, such as Divine guidance. It can also indicate luck. Therefore, if you encounter a gold orb, you may be crossing paths with a Divine spiritual entity, or it could indicate a spirit that was lucky in life.
In spiritual practice, green is associated with the heart. It is also associated with nature and healing. Green orbs are sometimes thought to be an indication of the presence of a human spirit as opposed to one that was never on Earth in human form. Likewise, green orbs may represent love or oneness with nature. The presence of a green orb may also indicate the presence of healing energy or a spirit in need of healing.

Think about the way yellow is often used in the world. When you encounter a yellow street sign, it is issuing you a warning and telling you to proceed with caution. Thus it is with yellow orbs, as well. These orbs may be issuing a warning to you, reminding you that you need to proceed with caution as you move forward. This may also be a ghost warning you of the presence of a malevolent spirit.
Blue is spiritually associated with speaking your truth. It is a very calming color, and many people associate it with a deep sense of tranquility and peace. Encountering a blue orb may indicate a spirit is at peace, or it may be a message that you need to speak, share, and live your truth.

Gray may indicate depression or spiritual lack, or it may represent fear or ambivalence. If you see a gray orb, it may indicate the presence of a depressed spiritual entity, or an entity lacking in spiritual awareness.

Violet is a spiritual color associated with psychic abilities, dreaming, and Divine guidance. Violet or purple orbs may indicate the presence of a highly spiritual being, or it may be suggesting it's time to tune into your psychic energy. A violet orb can also be a manifestation of psychic energy from someone nearby...maybe even you.
It is a common belief that pink orbs are messengers of love. This can be universal love, such as the spiritual love of an ascended master, guide, teacher, or archangel. It can also be a more specific love, such as the love of a deceased family member who takes on the mantle of a spirit orb to say they are still with you. Whoever the messenger is, a pink orb brings the message of encouragement, hope, peace and, always, love.

Possible Explanations for Colorful Ghost Orbs
In some orb photos, camera lenses have coatings with different colors in them. Sometimes these colors are reflected in orbs that are photographic artifacts, and this has nothing to do with the paranormal. This is known as a lens flare orb. However, some New Age and spiritual practitioners believe that, as there are no coincidences, even lens flare orbs in photographs exist to bring you a message.
Orbs in Video and Photos
Orbs are very common in paranormal photography and video. In digital photography, orbs are a known artifact of the process. The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP) explains this in their case study on Orb Zone Theory.
- In the case of digital and film photography where colored orbs appear, this is often associated with the subtle coloring of the camera's lens.
- Other items can cause orbs to appear, including reflective surfaces, dust, rain, water spots, and bugs.
- In video, infrared lights can reflect off of these same objects and give them a lighted orb-like appearance. People often mistake bugs and dust as flying orbs. These appear even as flying orbs in houses that are well cleaned and not dusty as infrared light easily picks up even the smallest amounts of dust.
For these reasons, many paranormal investigators do not consider orbs as paranormal evidence because there are too many natural world explanations for them. However, it is a possibility that some orbs could be paranormal in nature. This may be particularly true of orbs seen with the naked eye, especially those that appear to have their own light source and unusual patterns of travel.

What Do Orbs of Light Mean?
When you encounter an orb of light, it may have different meanings depending on the circumstances, energy that's present, and a host of other factors. Using the colors and your own intuition can help you to decide what it means when you encounter a colorful orb.