How Psychic Trance Mediums Channel Spirits

Updated June 21, 2021
Psychic Trance Medium

Most people know what a psychic medium is, but fewer people understand what a psychic trance medium does. A trance medium enters into an altered state of consciousness in order to communicate with spirits and bring their messages to the living.

Channeling Spirits in a Trance

A trance is an altered state of consciousness. It can be induced through different meditative methods or hypnosis. Psychic trance mediums have a natural ability to ease into this altered state of consciousness for the purpose of spirit communication. Some may learn through meditation to expand their consciousness and ultimately achieve a trance state.

Once the medium enters the trance, they relinquish control of their consciousness so the spirit can communicate using the medium's body and mind. This control is known as overshadowing. A modern example of this type of control is depicted in the movie Ghost when the character Oda Mae Brown is overtaken by an uninvited spirit named Orlando.

Trance Medium vs Non-Trance Mediumship

The difference between a trance medium and non-trance medium is about control. One maintains control while the other allows spirits to control them.

A non-trance medium establishes a mental connection with the spirit but is in full control of their body and mind. This type of medium relays what is being communicated to them by the spirit. The medium often uses divination tools as the vehicle of communication with the spirit world, such as tarot cards or a pendulum.

A trance medium allows the spirit to speak through them and take control of their mind and body. This can be seen in a psychic trance medium speaking with an accent or even speaking a foreign language unknown to them. In an extreme deep trance, the medium can display physical mannerisms and gestures specific to the deceased. Edgar Cayce is one of the best-known psychic trance mediums.

Sessions With Psychic Trance Mediums

There are a few ways a psychic trance medium can conduct a session. Some opt for the method used by Edgar Cayce, known as the Sleeping Prophet, where various types of information are given during a Q&A session. Another form is a healing session where a spirit healer takes over the medium's body. Some mediums prefer to conduct a séance.

Fifth-generation psychic trance medium and author Maureen Wood began conducting séances when she was a teenager. "I used a combination of spirit communication and automatic writing," she explains. Things intensified and after three years, Maureen stopped conducting séances. "Although I had been trained by my mentor in ways to protect myself, I never truly understood the depth of what I was doing and the havoc it could wreak on my life." It was 25 years before she conducted another séance.

Psychic Trance Medium

Another type of trance mediumship is healing. In these instances, the medium allows overshadowing by a spirit healer. During a session, the medium turns over their mind and body to the spirit healer who then proceeds to conduct energy work on the client. There are many reports of people having instantaneous healings.

Trances and Degree of Spirit Control

Depending on the psychic trance medium, the amount of control the spirit has over the medium can vary. These all center around the medium and her/his ability to relinquish control to the spirit. The degrees of trance have a range from light to extremely deep trance levels.

Not everyone is confident or trusting enough to relinquish complete control of their physical and mental being to a spirit. There are certain precautions a trance medium needs to take to avoid possession.

The exertion of free will is something recognized as absolute in the spirit world. Even God doesn't interfere with individual free will. It is only through the exertion of free will that a soul chooses to return to God. Therefore, when the person (their soul) relinquishes control over the physical body, it must be by free will. Otherwise, it becomes a possession, which is a violation of spiritual law. If a person gives up that control by free will, the spirit has the right to enter the person's mind and body.

Protection Techniques for Psychic Trance Mediums

Prior to going into a session, the medium will meditate to establish a strong and solid connection to the spirit world. The medium installs several safeguards to prevent demonic and other low-level entities from attempting to hijack them.

  • Prayer is a common practice used to invoke divine protection.
  • A medium often wears or carries a blessed religious symbol/talisman, charm or crystal for spiritual protection.
  • The medium will encase themselves in a bubble of white light to prevent anything not of the Light from entering.
  • Calling on spirit guides, God, Christ or other spiritual beings to stand guard and protect them is a common choice of protection for mediums.
Older man praying

Even experienced trance mediums run into issues that are considered dangerous. Maureen advises, "Although I consider myself strong and protected, I am not foolhardy. I consider the extra protection is like peeling away an onion. If a spirit tries to hurt me, they will need to break through the layers."

Psychic Trance Mediums and Paranormal Investigators

Some trance mediums work alongside paranormal investigators. Maureen is part of the ghost hunting team, New England Ghost Project (NEGP). In spite of spiritual protection, Maureen admits, "There is still a small level of risk associated with every investigation."

Psychic trance mediums work in service to the living and the dead. Maureen believes she helps the living by validating ghostly encounters. She helps the dead by assisting restless spirits to find peace.

Some people believe spirits are often tethered to the physical world through emotions. This is often a negative emotion. Maureen explains, "It's my belief that I'm giving that spirit a chance to release whatever it is they are holding on to." Through communicating with the spirit world, she guides them to let go. "By letting go of the denser energy, anger for instance, spirits can choose to stay, or move on to that better place."

Channeling Spirits as a Trance Medium

It's best to understand how psychic trance mediums channel spirits. That way you can decide how you'd feel being overshadowed by a spirit and to what degree of control you'd allow.

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How Psychic Trance Mediums Channel Spirits