Psychic marks are common birthmarks and moles. Where they are located, their color, and their shape may be what makes them psychic. Their significance is not just a new age phenomenon linked to the meaning of birthmarks and starseeds, however. Psychic beliefs about birthmarks cross cultures and generations. For example, pretenders to the Russian throne used royal birthmarks or "royal marks" to bolster their claims of royal blood.
Causes of Psychic Birthmarks
Birthmarks can have many causes. Past life trauma, special abilities, and being possessed are just a few.
Past Life Birthmarks
Dr. Ian Stevenson pioneered work with children that remembered their past lives. He discovered many of them had markings or birthmarks that corresponded to their cause of death in a previous life.
There are a number of places to find out more about past life birthmark meanings and research.
- Reincarnation Research - A reincarnation website run by past life researcher, Dr. Walter Simkew, that examines many cases of reincarnation
- Journal of the Society for Psychical Research - The scientific journal for one of England's most respected parapsychological associations
- Carol Bowman's website - Carol is a leading researcher on children's past lives

Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children and Starseeds Psychic Birthmarks
Many people believe children being born since the 1980s have special traits that make them the next level of human evolution. These children are known as indigo, crystal, or rainbow children. Other children, known as starseeds, are believed to have had incarnations on other planets. These people may have special abilities, such as psychic vision and healing powers.
One of the physical characteristics of some of these children is prominent birthmarks. Not all have them, but many have birthmarks on their foreheads or in a prominent place on their body.
Birthmarks as Omens
Many people believe birthmarks are omens that portend of the future. This is a belief that crosses many cultures. According to popular belief, the size, shape, and location of a birthmark may provide insight into one's life path, luck, finances, and relationships.
Cultural Beliefs About Birthmark Meanings
Some cultures have beliefs about birthmarks that may have a psychic origin.
- In Japan, women were advised to not stare at a fire or their child would be burned, resulting in a birthmark.
- Some cultures believe that if one has a birthmark, it foretells that he or she will die young or suddenly.
- Some Europeans believe touching people who have birthmarks will bring them good luck.
- In the Chinese culture, people believe birthmarks predict what type of future the person will have based on size, shape, and location.
- In one recent case in India, a woman was stigmatized for a birthmark because people believed it proved she was possessed.
Darker Implications of Birthmark Meanings
People didn't always believe birthmarks were positive. Many considered them devil's marks and during the Salem witch trials, they were considered proof one was a witch.

What Do Your Birthmarks Mean? Maculomancy and Moleomancy
Moleomancy, the art of divination by moles is a form of maculomancy, which is the art of divination using birthmarks. Like other birthmarks, moles determine the life path, luck, finances, and relationships of the person. A hidden mole is the luckiest kind, while the mixed color moles may be less fortuitous.
Birthmark Location Meanings
These birthmarks and moles may have different meanings for different locations.
- Forehead: A birthmark on the forehead has different meanings depending on its location. The right side means great intelligence, and they will succeed in their education and career. The left side means the person will be extravagant and irresponsible. In the center of the forehead, a birthmark means the person will have many relationships.
- Neck: A birthmark on the neck means success in life with a great deal of responsibility.
- Buttocks: These birthmarks mean different things for men and women and point to the lifestyle and love life of the person.
- Back: A birthmark on your back means you are open to new ideas.
- Leg: A birthmark on the leg means a lack of independence. However, according to Reference.com, the Chinese believe a birthmark on the inner thigh indicates a predisposition to wealth.
- Eye: A birthmark near the eye means that death was caused by a stab or bullet in the eye.
- Face: A birthmark on the face indicates the person is marked/destined for success and possibly fame.

- Mouth: A birthmark near the mouth indicates great wealth.
- Hand: The person is highly independent and may have a talent that requires the use of hands.
- Angel kiss: This person is cherished by heaven and often bestowed with great talents and gifts.
- Stork bite: This pinkish-red birthmark often appears on the abdomen. It usually disappears with age. It is a small splotchy smooth mark said to be the result of a stork accidentally nipping the baby. High intellect and a big capacity to love are the gifts of this mark.
Birthmark Shape Meanings
The birthmarks and moles can come in any shape, from animal totems to symbols of love.
- Hearts: These are the most loved birthmark. They are a symbol of universal love.
- Animal totems: These are animal shaped marks, and their meaning depends on the animal.
- Sacred geometry patterns: When a sacred geometric pattern appears as a birthmark, the child is believed to be from angelic realms.

Birthmark Color Meanings
There are many interpretations given for the coloration of a birthmark. Some are fortuitous while others are foreboding.
- Brown: These are considered an auspicious omen for a successful and bountiful life.
- Blue/gray: This birthmark resembles a bruise and is believed the result of a slap in an attempt to encourage the infant to subject to birth.
- Red: This color is often called a strawberry birthmark and said to mark someone stubborn and opinionated.

- Port wine stain: This birthmark can range from pink or red to purple. It is a badge of reincarnation reminding the person of having died in a fire.
- White: This is another mark of having been burned in a previous life.
No Birthmarks Meaning
Most people have some kind of birthmark however small, but some people don't have a single birthmark. There are a few meanings for this absence of birthmark. The first is obvious - it is the person's first incarnation, although unlikely. The next meaning is the person exited their last life from natural causes. The last meaning is the most profound. If no birthmarks are present, the person has spiritually evolved enough so they no longer carry the trauma of past lives.
Meaning of Birthmarks: Fact or Fiction?
Many people have birthmarks, and some have multiple moles and birthmarks. It's up to you to determine whether they have a psychic meaning, but it's certainly fascinating to consider.