Remote Viewing Techniques and Training Exercises

Updated May 19, 2021
Woman meditating

You can learn to remote view (RV) with a simple technique that will allow you to see people, objects, and events at a distance. Remote viewing was first used by the CIA as the ultimate spying technique that anyone can do! Beginner remote viewers are advised to be patient since becoming proficient takes time.

What You Need to Practice Remote Viewing

To perform the exercise to remote view, you'll need a few tools and supplies. Make sure you have a few backup supplies.

  • Black ink pens
  • 10-20 manilla envelopes (6"x9" or larger)
  • Several blank sheets of white paper
  • Animal flash cards for kids or other picture flash cards
Pen Lies On A Blank Sheet Of Paper

Select a Remote Viewing Room and the Target

Choose a place where you won't be disturbed. You want a space that is is quiet where the temperature is controlled. You'll need to go into a meditative state prior to remote viewing. Remote viewing is done with a specific target. For example, the CIA used latitudes and longitudes for their subjects. The target of your RV session can be any type of object, building, animal, structure, event, or anything else. For your first training, the easiest choice is the kids' animal flash cards.

  1. Choose 10 envelopes.
  2. Turn the cards upside down so you can't see the animal side.
  3. Spread the cards out onto the desk or table.
  4. With the cards still facedown, slip one into an envelope and seal it closed.
  5. Repeat until all 10 envelopes are stuffed and sealed.
  6. You will choose one envelope to place on the desk/table in front of you.
  7. You will open the envelope once your session is over to verify what you wrote down.
  8. Place the blank paper and set it in front of you, along with one of the pens.
  9. Set the extra pens within reach in case the pen you're using stops working.

Go Into a Meditative State of Consciousness

Your goal isn't to guess the animal on the card inside the envelope. Instead, you'll focus and record the impressions you receive, such as curved lines, straight lines, textures, colors, sounds, smells, and so on.

  1. Take three cleansing deep breaths.
  2. Allow your body to relax.
  3. Go through your meditation routine to relax your entire body.
  4. Once your body is relaxed, envision getting into an elevator.
  5. You're on floor 10 and wish to go to the first floor.
  6. Press the number one button.
  7. As the elevator descends, count down each floor as ten, nine, eight, and so on.
  8. When the elevator reaches the first floor, take a moment to become aware of your surroundings.
  9. Open the elevator doors.
Woman's Inner Voyage

Begin Remote Viewing

Take a few minutes to adjust to your altered state of consciousness. Open your eyes and focus on the envelope in front of you.

  1. Immediately begin writing down your impressions of what you see inside the envelope.
  2. Don't hesitate or try to analyze the images and information you're receiving.
  3. Don't try to rationalize or understand what you're writing down.
  4. Note shapes, like curved, straight, angled, or jagged lines.
  5. Write down anything you hear, see, smell, and so on.
  6. Write down what you sense, such as textures, colors, and any impressions, such as cold, wet, hot, and so on.
  7. When you are no longer getting impressions and feel you've reached the end of your session, write finished on the paper.

Assess Your Remote Viewing Session

Once you're finished remote viewing, it's time to open the envelope. Take a moment to study the photo and compare it to your notes. The best way to assess your RV session is to compare your notes to the actual target. Answer a few questions about each session, such as:

  • Did you get the shapes right?
  • Were there colors you saw in the photo?
  • Did you describe the subject's environment, texture, and senses?
  • Did you guess what the target was and get it right?
  • Did your impressions engage the senses, such as taste, touch, smell, sound, and sight?
  • How accurate were your impressions?
  • Did you correctly identify the basic image of your target, such as angles, peaks, wavy lines, and other forms?
  • Did you feel confident in your impressions of the target?
Woman Holding Photograph

Tips for Practicing Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is like any other ability that you practice. The more you practice remote viewing the more accurate you'll become. You can also consciously choose your target, such as Venice, Italy, and travel there with your mind.

  1. Don't filter your impressions. Immediately write down your first impression(s).
  2. Write down everything you feel.
  3. Don't stop to think about what you're receiving, just put it on your paper quickly.
  4. Don't attempt to guess what your target is.
  5. Keep a journal of your sessions, so you can track your progress.

Symbols for Shapes and Forms

The CIA's training protocols for remote viewing include symbols that represent the brief flashes of information you may receive during your sessions. The interpretations of these symbols are considered universal for remote viewers. You may wish to use these in your sessions to help you keep up with the flashes of images and other information coming to you.

These symbols include:

  • Angular lines represent steep cliffs or structures.
  • Curved lines represent a bounded area or channel.
  • Straight lines represent boundary or land/water interference.
  • Irregular waving lines represent rolling terrain such as hills.
  • Irregular jagged lines represent hills or mountains.
  • Dots represent light, dark or shaded areas.
Hand Holding Document

Learn How to Remove View

You want to follow the same procedures each time you remote view to establish a pattern. This will make it easier to fall into the process each time. Keep in mind that the more you practice remote viewing the better you'll become.

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Remote Viewing Techniques and Training Exercises