So, you want to summon a spirit. Maybe you're hoping to communicate with one of your ancestors, or you have questions and are hoping for guidance from the spirit realm. There are a few different ways to go about it, depending on your particular set of skills and experience.
How to Summon a Spirit With Channeling
When a medium channels a spirit, the entity uses the medium as a conduit. There are two ways a medium channels a spirit. The first is the safest if you don't wish to give over complete control; the medium repeats what the spirit says. The second method requires the medium to give up their body to the spirit. This was demonstrated in the movie Ghost when Whoopi Goldberg's character channeled various spirits. The phenomenon of this type of body sharing is that the spirit will often speak in its own accent or even a foreign language. If you'd like to try your hand at channeling like a medium does, then try this method.
- White candle (7-day is best)
- Candle holder
- Matches
- Sage stick
- Salt
- Loose clothing
- Religious or other talisman
- A friend to assist
Go Somewhere You Won't Be Disturbed
You'll want to find a place where you won't be disturbed. Make sure anything that could interrupt you (such as phones) are silenced or out of the room.
Choose a Conductor
You need another person to be with you when you are first learning to channel. This person serves as your anchor to this world, so you should choose someone you trust without reservations. This person will be your conductor to guide you through the channeling with questions you've prepared to ask the spirit. They will also be prepared to bring you out of your meditative state should you have difficulty returning.
Cleanse and Protect
Once you've designated your safe space for summoning spirits and channeling them, you need to protect yourself, your friend, and the room/space. You will create a safe space where only spirits of the Light can enter. Then, purify the room by burning a sage stick or other form of incense. You can extinguish the sage/incense or allow it to burn during your session of summoning spirits.
Create a Protective Circle
Use ordinary table salt to create a protective circle on the floor. Sit on chairs or on the floor within that protective circle.
Light the White Candle
The white candle casts a protective light. You can say a prayer, chant, or cast a protection spell as you light the white candle. Allow the candle to burn until you close the circle. Envision encasing the room, the circle, you, and your friend in white light while holding your talisman.
Enter a Meditative State
Take three deep cleansing breaths and ease into a meditative state of consciousness. Focusing on the candle flame will keep you centered while you slip into an altered state of consciousness.
Summon Spirits
It is time to invite spirits into your sacred circle, stipulating that only those beings of white light may enter. Depending on your meditative skills, you may have an immediate response, or you may need to wait awhile. If you don't connect with spirits in your first attempt, be patient. Establishing a connection with the other side requires your personal frequency to be high enough to meet them halfway or part of the way. If you experience difficulty, spend more time meditating to raise your vibrational pattern.
Connect With Spirits
Once you connect with a spirit, you should be able to feel the Light in their energy. Be respectful and ask who they are. The spirit should readily identify itself and give its name. Depending on your abilities, you may continue to question the spirit or allow your friend to proceed as you planned.
End Session and Close the Circle
You and/or your friend will have a sense of when to end the session. As a beginner, you shouldn't tax yourself. Connecting with spirits requires personal energy, and to maintain that connection can be tiring. After no more than ten or fifteen minutes, you should end the session by thanking the spirit for joining you and offer to meet again
Announce the channeling session with the spirit is over and that you reclaim complete control over your body. Verbally state that no spirit may channel through you without your consent and invitation. Announce that you are now closing the circle. You can say a prayer or chant and finish by extinguishing the candle and creating a break in the circle of salt.
As soon as your session is over, leave the room to demonstrate the channeling session is over. You and your friend can review the recording and discuss what you learned during your first channeling session.
It's a good idea to keep a record of your channeling sessions and store your videos so they don't get lost or the file is damaged, so make backups. As your frequency grows stronger and you gain more confidence, you won't necessarily need a conductor, but it is always advisable.
Summon a Ghost by Scrying
The use of a crystal ball isn't a cliche but a valuable tool for mediums. The crystal ball allows the medium to focus their attention on the crystal ball, enabling them to see the images/projections that the spirit world sends. The orb shape and the composite of the crystal material amplifies the spirit energy and enables the veil to be lifted enough so a talented psychic medium can see the pictures and images the spirit projects inside the crystal ball.
- Crystal ball and stand
- White candle (7-day is best)
- Candle holder
- Matches
- Sage stick
- Salt
- Loose clothing
- Religious or other talisman
- A friend to record messages
Once you have all of your supplies gathered, find a quiet spot where you won't be interrupted.
Follow the channeling steps one through seven (above) with one exception: instead of focusing on the candle flame, focus on the crystal ball. Once you've made that connection with a spirit and know who you are communicating with,unfocus your gaze to see the images that appear within the crystal orb.
Ask the Spirit to Show You Images
If you are a visual person, you may find scrying with a crystal ball more enjoyable than channeling. You can ask a spirit to show you response to your questions. For example, you may ask if the spirit knows of something that can help you strengthen your frequency while raising it higher. This is the kind of question that lends itself to an answer via scrying.
End the Scrying Session
Bring your scrying session to an end by following steps eight through 11 of the channeling directions. Scrying is very different from channeling since you don't need another person acting as your conductor, but you may find it's helpful to have that friend with you to record your sessions.
Summon Spirits Using Quartz Crystal

A natural clear quartz crystal has prism channels that create a glass-like effect. A medium can focus on the inner crystal the same way they might practice crystal ball gazing/scrying.
A crystal ball made of quartz is a very effective tool. Quartz crystal is an excellent choice for communicating with spirits since it emits an electrical pulse of 32,768 Hz per second. In metaphysics, it is believed that the quartz crystal can raise and even amplify the energies of spirits, affording a better connection for communication. Mediums often wear and use quartz crystals for this reason.
Use a White Candle and Sage Spell
You can use a white candle spell or create your own spell to summon a spirit guide. A white candle is believed to have the power to transform negative spiritual energy into positive spiritual energy. It is often used in spells to exorcize a ghost/spirit. You can also burn sage to cleanse the space before you start to ensure only auspicious beings answer your summoning spell.
Try Automatic Writing
The art of automatic writing is a form of medium channeling. You can use the channeling method above, but instead of speaking, put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and allow spirit to move you.
Hold a Séance
One of the most controversial forms of communicating with spirits is the séance. In the Victorian era, many charlatans created elaborate hoaxes to con the bereaved of money. Séances require a closed circle and, if conducted by a legitimate medium, can result in summoning the spirit world. Use these instructions for performing a séance.
Read Tarot or Oracle Cards
You can use a deck of tarot or oracle cards to communicate with spirits. If you have a specific spirit you wish to communicate with, then you can take a moment prior to doing a card spread. Light a candle, burn incense, and clear your mind the same practice you do for any divination card reading. Your first time using cards to communicate with a spirit should be a simple three card spread. As you establish your connection and trust with the spirit(s), you can advance to other card spreads for more detailed and in-depth communication.
Communicate With Spirits via EVP
Some paranormal researchers in North America and Europe have claimed they have made contact with spirits and been able to communicate with them using EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena). Spirit voices may be present in a house or other building that are only able to be heard at a frequency that the living occupants are unable to detect. To summon spirits with EVP, turn on a voice recorder or voice recording app and ask questions. Leave about 60 seconds between questions to give spirits time to answer.
Summon a Spirit Using a Ouija Board
People have been summoning spirits with Ouija boards for quite some time. There are specific rules that you should follow when undertaking a Ouija board summoning, such as questions you should never ask.
Tips and Cautions About Summoning Spirits
A few tips help ensure you protect yourself when summoning spirits. It is never a good idea to call on demons or other dark spirits since they are very mischievous and can mislead the uninformed and ill-prepared. Here are some ways you can protect yourself and those involved in the summoning.
- Say a prayer asking for Divine protection for everyone in the home before you begin.
- Evoke the white light by envisioning each person, the room, and the entire building in a bubble of white light. Make sure the bubble encases underneath the house as well as on top.
- Burn sage while the Ouija board session is in process. You can also use a sage-scented candle for this purpose. People use sage to cleanse a location of any evil spirits, so using it during these times makes sense.
- Burn a white candle to transform spiritual energies to generate good, positive energy in the room.
- If you have strong religious beliefs, then wear a symbol or talisman of your faith to reassure yourself and provide protection. You can focus on this token should you become frightened and prevent being overpowered by evil entities.
- Never use black magic spells or chants when summoning spirits unless you are a black arts practitioner.
- Use an ancient practice to protect yourself and ward off evil spirits by sitting inside a circle of salt.
Tell Summoned Spirits Goodbye
Remember, summoning spirits is not something you should ever do lightly. You can never be sure which kind of being you may contact, and you could open your home and yourself to negative influences. If you proceed, do so with extreme caution. Make sure you close the session by bidding the spirit goodbye, cleansing the room, and saying a closing prayer of protection.