There are so many Wisconsin UFO sightings and alien encounters that one town, Elmwood, contemplated adding a UFO landing strip as a fun tourist attraction. With the Tic Tac UFO video leaked by U.S. Navy pilots, many people are interested in Wisconsin's most profound UFO sightings.
1. Fleet of 40 UFOs
A fleet of 40 UFOs in Fitchburg was spotted by a husband and wife traveling south on Fitchrona Rd. They first noticed what they thought was a string of stars. The man said they reminded him of Orion's belt by the way they were so perfectly lined up. The UFO fleet was moving from west to east with a few of the crafts not flying in sync. The man stated he was former navy and had worked on planes will in the service. He wasn't able to ascertain any identifiers, since the objects glowed so brightly.
What makes this story even more intriguing is that 150 miles north and 28 minutes later, in the town of Weston, an eyewitness reported seeing multiple UFOS that reminded them of a string of lights. (May 6, 2021)
2. 30 Star-Shaped UFOs
March 2020 was a big UFO month with 29 UFO sightings in Wisconsin reported to NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center). These eyewitness reports depict ordinary people out walking their dogs or engaged in other mundane activities at night when they had a chance UFO sighting. One such incident happened to a husband and wife in Eau Claire.
The Eau Claire couple saw around 30 star-shaped UFOs moving at a fast speed along the same trajectory across the sky. The man was trying to compare the UFOs to the size of nearby stars when he noticed the UFOs were traveling in a serpentine pattern. The first group of 16 UFOs traveled together.
The remainder was a mix of stragglers. Some of the stragglers followed the first group, traveling the same trajectory in a chaotic manner, while others traveled in small groups. The star-like objects traveled SW to NE. One pair of UFOs broke off and traveled south.
The couple are trained observers. The husband is an ex-special forces operator with 16 years of experience. His wife, also ex-military, worked on planes for 10 years and was a nurse; she is currently studying to be a doctor. The couple eliminated any known aircraft or satellites. (March 26, 2020)

3. Elmwood Police Officer Encounters UFO
One of the best-known Elmwood UFO sightings occurred in 1976 when Police Officer George Wheeler, whose credibility was exemplary having been a WWII combat pilot and a 30-year veteran police officer, reported seeing a UFO.
Officer Wheeler was investigating what he believed to be a fire. Instead, he saw a glowing orange object about 100 feet off the ground. He noticed the object also had six lights that were blue white. However, the most startling part of this encounter was what he saw inside the windows of the craft: moving shadows.
According to Officer Wheeler, the UFO shot straight up with a whoosh, but a beam of light flashed down from the craft and struck him. There were several witnesses to the event, including Paul Frederickson, who lived nearby. Another witness, David Moots, came to Wheeler's aid. The squad car lights and radio stopped working, and although the car engine had recently been serviced, the spark plugs had to be replaced after the encounter.
Officer Wheeler was seemingly okay after the incident and went home. However, two hours later he was suffering from a severe headache and his wife rushed him to the local hospital. Wheeler was hospitalized for three days, but doctors were unable to diagnose the cause of his headache. Officer Wheeler had no recollection of his UFO encounter. Unfortunately, his health rapidly declined, and two years after his UFO encounter, Officer Wheeler died. (1976)
4. Wave of Elmwood UFO Sightings
The 1970s saw a wave of UFO sightings in Elmwood, Wisconsin, that continue to this day. The number of sightings increased throughout the 1980s. In the wake of so many UFO sightings, the town began hosting an annual UFO Days celebration the last full weekend of July. In a YouTube video of a 1987 news report about the event, you can see a white round object hovering over the parade unnoticed by the crowd and reporter. (Look for the UFO at 2:30.)
5. Aliens Traumatize Dairy Farm Family
A dairy farmer in Clintonville, Wisconsin reported that for the past 11 months, he, along with his wife and son had multiple UFO sightings as well as encounters with extraterrestrials in his home. The UFO shapes ranged from orange egg-shaped, golden triangles, white spheres, and a saucer-shaped UFO with rainbow-colored lights.
The man described a four-foot tall humanoid coming into his bedroom, but the man soon blacked out. In the morning, he discovered an inch-long incision in his arm. He discussed how traumatized he and his family were and that they feel unsafe living on the farm. He claimed to have video and photographic proof, and said his family was willing to take polygraphs. He described electrical surges in his home and poltergeist activity. The farmer stated if the activity continued, his family would be forced to move. (July 26, 2018)
6. Fidget Spinner Shaped UFO
A fidget spinner shaped UFO was reported flying over Rice Lake, traveling south to north. The object had no lights and didn't emit any sound. The eyewitness reported the city lights were reflected underneath the UFO surface as it passed overhead. The object blotted out the stars in its approach. (March 26, 2020)
7. Duo UFOs
An eyewitness from Necedah reported two bright white lights that were somehow intertwined. The two UFOs emitted red, blue, and green lights and then separated. One of the orbs disappeared. The remaining orb sent a light beam up into the air above it. The first orb suddenly appeared some distance above the second orb. The two UFOs' lights began to blink and lasted over 20 minutes. (March 3, 2020)

8. Chevron UFO
A man only identified as Ken is featured in a YouTube video describing a chevron-shaped UFO that he spotted over Superior. The object didn't emit any sound and moved effortlessly through the night sky. Ken explains the craft had dim lights spaced evenly along the V-shape sides. The lights from the city were also reflecting off the black surface of the craft. (October 19, 2019)
9. Live TV News Captures UFOs
FOX6 in Milwaukee captured during a live broadcast several mysterious white objects that left trails behind them as they moved about in the sky. The orbs appeared to move as though swimming. They darted about each other while moving away from the studio's stationary outside camera. The orbs stopped and started erratically changing directions.
The morning show hosts were unable to hide their surprise with disbelief and concern edging their voices as they questioned what they were seeing. The official explanation was a flock of seagulls, although viewers commenting on YouTube didn't seem to buy that explanation. (February 27, 2018)
10.. White Cigar-Shaped UFO
An anonymous report was made to NUFORC from Windsor Lake. The witness claimed to have seen a white tube or cigar-shaped object floating above I-90 traveling north. The eyewitness watched the object move slowly from left to right, then take off at a high rate of speed, traveling northeast and was quickly out of sight. (October 4, 2018)
11. Alien Pancakes
One of the oddest UFO alien encounter stories comes from Eagle River and is told by Chad Lewis, author of The Wisconsin Road Guide to Mysterious Creatures. Sometime in 1961, a chicken farmer, Joe Simonton, claimed a UFO landed on his property one morning while he was eating breakfast. He watched the 30' disc hovering above his property and went to investigate.
A door opened on the side of the UFO, and a small man with dark eyes and an olive complexion appeared in the doorway. Inside were two other beings. Joe claimed they all looked alike. The man held out a jug and Joe immediately understood they wanted it filled with water. He quickly obliged the non-verbal request and returned the jug filled with water to the alien.
In gratitude, the alien gave him something from a flameless grill they were using - a few crispy rounds that were similar to pancakes. Joe claimed the alien pancakes were terrible. Rumor has it that the pancakes were analyzed but didn't have any unearthly ingredients. Other versions of the tale state the ingredients were unknown.
12. Professional Photographer Captures UFO Photo
UFOS NW describes how a professional photographer was shooting rural landscapes around Fish Creek and captured something unexpected. When the photographer was reviewing the photo of a small rural church, he noticed four white objects. He tested to see if these were the result of a lens flare but ruled it out. He showed the photo to other professional photographers, and they agreed it wasn't a lens flare. (August 24, 2013)
13. Teardrop UFO Near Rice Lake Airport
The Barron County Sheriff Department received several reports from Rice Lake of a teardrop-shaped craft with lights of several colors. On one end of the craft was a flashing purple light. The object appeared to be following vehicles traveling near the Rice Lake airport.
Witnesses reported a red laser-like beam emitted from the craft pointing toward the ground. The eyewitnesses said it looked as though the craft actually landed and took off from the airport. However, airport records don't indicate any type of known aircraft landing during the time frames witnesses gave. One officer told the Sheriff that he'd witnessed the strange lights. (April 16, 2008)
14. Sledding Incident With Photographic Evidence
An anonymous UFO report from Weyauwega was accompanied by two very clear photos of a silver disc with three white lights and one red. The witness stated, "My boy was sledding in the snow and I was taking pictures." It was getting dark when the boy pointed to the sky. The witnessed noticed a disc in the sky and photographed it. (2003)
15. Blue Orbs
In Baraboo, an eyewitness reported several UFOs moving across the sky in an odd skipping motion. The UFOs appeared to be stones bouncing over the water of a pond or lake. The UFOs were blue orbs and ejected something that appeared to be lighted objects. The eyewitness included five photos of the event. (May 7, 2020)
16. UFO Hovering Over House Joined by Second UFO
A Wisconsin couple was awakened by bright lights shining through their bedroom windows around 9 p.m. The wife got up to investigate and saw a white-yellow light that was so bright she couldn't look directly at it. The light dimmed, revealing a disc-shaped UFO hovering over the trees about 200 feet from their home.
She and her husband watched as a search beam emitted from the UFO and rotated around the ground as though seeking something. When the light turned toward their bedroom window, the couple rushed outside. They were surprised by the lack of sound coming from the object. The couple was able to make out windows positioned around the upper part of the craft. They were shocked when they recognized several human-like silhouettes in the windows, looking down at them. Another disc object arrived in the sky, and the two UFOs left the area together. (October 16, 1980)

17. Faux Moon
In Kaukauna, an eyewitness first thought she/he was looking at the moon, until realizing the moon should be in the south at that time of night. The illuminated object was in the wrong direction for it to be the moon. Suddenly, two smaller objects began moving around the UFO. In the middle of all this activity, the UFO changed its shape with flickering lights. (April 4, 2020)
18. Hobbs Wilson UFO Sighting
Hobbs Wilson claimed he saw a UFO six miles out-of-town in 1972. He described the craft as being soundless and spanning 18 to 20 feet. He reported that the craft's lights lit up his barnyard.
19. First UFO Sightings in La Crosse, Wisconsin
On April 10, 1897, the first known UFO sightings in Wisconsin were reported in La Crosse. Several witnesses reported seeing a cigar-shaped object with colored lights. The official explanation for the UFO was a dirigible, also known as an airship. However, during this same timeframe, cigar-shaped objects with strange lights were reported throughout the Midwest and all the way to the West Coast.
The towns of Dundee, Long Lake, Campbellsport, and Bellville are just a few townships claiming to be the UFO capital of the world. The Fond du Lac area that's near Long Lake and Dundee is another hotspot for UFOs. Besides strange lights, UFOs and crop circles, Wisconsin's Bill Benson, owner of Benson's Hide-A-Way bar, claims to possess an alien body artifact. He displays the odd-looking black-eyed creature in a jar that's preserved in some kind of liquid.
Hotspot for UFO Sightings in Wisconsin
UFO sightings reported across Wisconsin are of similar types of UFOs. Some of the UFO reports are difficult to debunk and remain a mystery.