It is very unusual to come across a brown orb, but brown orb meanings accurately describe low frequency spirits and energies. When the orb is a spirit manifestation, it vibrates with a denser and heavier energy. It's understandable why interpretations of this rare orb color often describe the spirit as being evil or demonic. But this may not be true when a brown orb appears to you.
Low Frequencies and Brown Orb Meanings
When a spiritual energy is deemed dense with a low frequency, it is often assumed to be a threat, especially to people with a higher frequency (vibration) gained through meditation and other spiritual work that focuses on aligning and balancing their chakra centers.
Evil Spirits and Low Frequency Energy
It is true that evil and demonic spirits vibrate at a denser and lower frequency than someone spiritually evolved. This dense matter found in lower frequencies has a negative energy when compared to that of a lighter-colored orb. Some people compare brown orbs to black orbs, citing both are negative and harmful energies. This misconception can color any attempt to understand the meaning behind a brown orb appearing to you.
Other Possible Brown Orb Meanings
While there certainly are many instances where evil spirits and even demonic spirits can manifest in a brown energy orb, there are other possible attributes of a brown orb spirit to consider. The different meanings that can be attributed to a brown orb include:
- The appearance of a brown orb can be a sign that the area isn't safe. The orb could be a warning sign to those who have ventured into the area.
- Brown orbs could simply be an accumulation of negative energy that morphs into a negatively charged energy ball.
- A dark brown orb could very well be that of an evil or demonic spirit attempting to manifest into a more prominent form.
- A densely brown orb, almost black, can be tied to a wood nymph or an elemental that has temporarily assumed an orb shape. This may be its way of protecting the land/property by attempting to frighten intruders into fleeing.
- A medium brown colored orb can indicate a spirit that is tied to the earth and unable to transcend to the next spiritual level.
- Light brown (tan) orbs can reflect a spirit that doesn't understand why it is bound to the earth and has grown resentful and belligerent. This conflicted entity may be aggressive towards you and should be avoided.
Brown Orbs Attracted to Auras and Chakras
Whether a brown orb appears to you or shows up in a photo, pay attention to its location. Does it hover near your head? Does it appear near your chest or other area of your body? Where the orb is in relationship to your chakra centers can give you clues about the orb and its purpose. There are no chakras aligned with the color brown; however, open vibrant chakras are gateways for powerful energies. If the brown orb interacts with your aura or chakras, then it could be attracted to that positive energy radiating from these areas.
Brown Orb and Crown Chakra
A brown orb hovering around your head could indicate the spirit orb is attempting to feed off your auric energy or your crown chakra where pure energy enters your body.
Low Frequency Areas
If the orb moves to other regions of your body, it could be attracted to similar low frequencies in that area of your body. This could indicate chakra blockages as well as disease. You should pay close attention to this type of interaction and seek a professional medical evaluation.
Explaining Brown Orb Meanings
A brown orb can have several meanings to explain the energy and intent behind the spirit orb. Assess where the orb has appeared and your emotional reaction to it for a clearer understanding of its purpose.