Ouija board chants can be part of your overall practice when connecting with spirit. Some mediums practice chanting prior to beginning a session and again when closing the session. This is a personal choice, and you can use any chant or mantra you wish.
Protection Chants
You need to ensure you and those participating in the session are protected from malevolent spirits. If you don't have a spirit guide and are making a blind call, then framing your chant is extremely important.
- "Only spirits of good intentions may enter."
- "Benevolent Spirit may enter. Spirit may only communicate through the Ouija board."
- "We invite only spirits from the realm of light to join us. Welcome to only those spirits of light and goodness."
- "I encase myself within a bubble of white light and invite only spirits of light to enter this session."
- Another chant uses the golden light, "I evoke the golden ray to cover me while inviting spirits of the golden realm to enter."
- You can say a short chant, "Protect us, [insert deity name]. Watch over us, [insert deity name]."

Ouija Board Chants to Summon Spirits
You can repeat these chants three times to open the Ouija board session. This is an open invitation for spirits to join you.
- "Spirit, hear my plea. Come and visit me, [insert name]." This can be repeated three times.
- Another chant might be just one phrase repeated three times, "I call upon only righteous benevolent spirits."
- If you have several people chanting with you, simply repeat three times, "We call upon spirit to join us. Only those we ask may enter our circle. Only those of white light may enter and be with us."
- "We open the circle for spirit to enter. Join us angelic beings."
- "Now is the time for my spirit guides to join me."
- "Spirit, be of light and love. Be of one with all things good. Spirit, be here with us, now."
Closing Thanks and Goodbye Chants
Just as you open your session with intent, you should always close your Ouija board session by saying goodbye to the spirit(s) that visited with you.
- "Thank you, white light for the protection bestowed on us."
- If you called upon a spirit guide to protect you, be sure to say, "Thank you, spirit guide(s) for protecting us tonight."
- If you called upon a deity, you should thank with a closing chant, such as "Thank you, [insert deity name] for keeping us safe and blessing us. Continue to keep us safe when we close this circle (session) from all things evil."
- "Goodbye, and thank you. Join us next time. Until then we part ways. Goodbye."
- "This session has ended. We close the circle. Thank you and goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye."
- "Our gratitude for your time. Your presence was appreciated. We say goodbye for now. Safe travel back to your realm. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye."

Tips for Chants to Open and Close Your Session
Before you start your chant, you need to spend time in prayer and/or meditation. This practice allows you to connect with the spirit world by focusing on energies of the higher realms. Some people skip chanting and go right into the Ouija board session. Others believe the ritual of a chant makes the session protected and safer from intrusion by unwanted spirits.
Bubble of Protective White Light
You can place yourself in a bubble of white light for spiritual protection. Each person can encase themselves prior to the session beginning. You can also place the Ouija board in white light as well as the room and house/building. These layers of protective light make it difficult, even impossible, for unwanted spirits to enter.
Rhythm of Chants
Most religions use chants during religious ceremonies or rituals. Chanting is an ancient practice. A chant should have a rhythm component, such as a repetitive phrase. You can chant by yourself or enlist others to invite spirit. Most people prefer those participating in the Ouija board session join in the chant, believing the collective energy will attract spirit better than just one person. You can call upon deceased loved ones, angels, spirit guides or other specific spirits.
Repeating Verses
You can repeat any of these chants three times. You can modify a chant if the purpose of the session is different from the last time you used it. If you don't feel comfortable making up a chant, then repeat a verse from a poem, prayer, or other spiritual text. Be sure that you select one that makes you feel safe, protected and calm. The type of energy you send out is going to be like a magnet to the spirit world. This is also important to keep in mind when selecting and repeating mantras.

Sing Your Chant
Many religions use songs for chanting. You can also say or sing a chant to invite spirit to join your session. This doesn't need to be a grand production. You can repeat a short or long chant three times. If you feel more comfortable singing your chant, you can use one you're familiar with or you can select a tune or make one up to create your own singing chant.
Chants to Close Ouija Board Session
Closing your session is like telling guests the party is over and seeing them to the door to wish them good night. If a spirit has joined you, then thank them by name and tell them goodbye. Some mediums like to say or sing a closing chant.
If you performed a protection chant at the beginning of your session, you can use the same one to ensure no spirits attach themselves to you and continue to be with you once you end the session. This is especially helpful for possible negative spirits outside your protection circle, just waiting for an opportunity to steal inside. That's why it's so important that you close your circle when the session is over.
Using Chants for Ouija Board Sessions
Opening and closing your Ouija board session is important to ensure your safety and that of those participating. Both can be done using known chants or ones you make up.