There were many psychic predictions for the the 2016 Presidential Election. Most of the psychic predictions for 2016 president were wrong and predicted either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton would be the 45th President.
2016 Presidential Election Psychic Predictions
Pittsburgh City Paper reported psychic election predictions on January 6, 2016, about two psychics who incorrectly predicted the winner of the 2016 Presidential Election.
- Tamar George, a Pittsburgh psychic predicted the majority of Americans wanted less corporate influence in the political arena and would choose Bernie Sanders as the 45th President.
- Suzanne Bishop, another Pittsburgh psychic, also predicted Bernie Sanders would win the Democratic nomination and become the next president.
Psychic Gave Generalized Predictions
Tony Morris, a self-proclaimed intuitive life coach and psychic medium based in Santa Barbara, California, made a few predictions about the 2016 presidential election. These predictions were featured on the Huffington Post website. Morris never committed to a specific winner.
Morris saw Donald Trump gesturing victory by raising his arms. Morris explained his vision didn't necessarily mean Trump would win, but that Trump saw himself as victorious in some way.
Psychic Predictions for Hillary Clinton 2016
Several famous psychics election predictions for 2016 indicated Hillary Clinton would be the winner.
- On May 14, 2016, dressed in a fuzzy purple bathrobe, psychic Danielle Egnew was adamant in a YouTube video that Donald Trump would not be president no matter how much he spent or tweeted. Egnew said, "It is simply not in the cards. It is not in the ethers. It is not in any dimension in any way, shape, or form."
- The famed psychic twins wrongly predicted the 2016 election. Linda and Terry Jamison saw Hillary Clinton winning the presidency.
- Michelle Whitedove states on her website she is America's #1 Psychic Medium after winning America's Psychic Challenge. On January 12, 2016, she wrote, "I predict that Trump will not become president - Donald, You're Fired!" She went on to predict Hillary Clinton would be the first female president. She made the same prediction for Hillary in the 2008 run for president.
- Psychic Kyra Oser stated Hillary Clinton would win by a narrow margin and Trump would threaten to contest the results.
Psychics Predict Donald Trump Wins
Two psychics that predicted Donald Trump would win the 2016 presidential election were Craig Hamilton-Parker and Betsy Lewis. Craig Hamilton-Parker revised his initial prediction. However, Betsy Lewis stated Donald Trump would become the 45th president of the United States from the beginning of her predictions and later reaffirmed this with great confidence.
Craig Hamilton-Parker
UK's famous psychic Craig Hamilton-Parker gave his first 2016 presidential prediction saying, "Jeb Bush would stand and be forced to quit through illness." He later revised his prediction stating, "I think I may have been seeing Trump so have updated this prediction." His next prediction said, "Donald Trump will win the US Election, but becomes ill and is forced to quit."
Betsey Lewis
Internationally renowned psychic, Betsey Lewis was one of the few psychics who correctly predicted the winner of the presidential election. In early 2016 Lewis predicted Trump would most likely become the Republican candidate for the presidency. In April 2016, Lewis expanded on her prediction by saying, "I am now predicting Donald J. Trump will become our next 45th president in November… I remote viewed the future and saw Trump taking the presidential oath."
Who Do Psychics Say Will Be the Next President?
It's too early for psychics to begin predicting the next election because there are no announced contenders as of October of 2018. However, there were few psychics who accurately predicted Donald J Trump would become the 45th president. Some psychics explained their inaccurate predictions for the 2016 presidential election as the result of the exertion of free will while others simply admitted they got it wrong.