9 Signs Your Child Is Psychic + How to React

Updated August 31, 2021
Young girl fortunetelling

Is your child psychic? If so, what do you do about it? Suspecting you have psychic children can be stressful for parents unfamiliar with natural intuitive abilities. Understanding your psychic child, discovering the common signs psychic kids display, and developing some strategies for working with their gifts can ease your mind.

Common Traits of Psychic Children

9 Signs of a Psychic Child and 9 Ways to React

Does your child seem to just know things? Do they have an imaginary friend or talk about hanging out with grandma, even though she died before your child was born? It's natural to feel disconcerted when these things happen. However, psychic ability is a natural trait; it's an extension of the intuition all humans are born with. Often, young children are more tuned into the intuition than their parents and other adults because they haven't yet had the same level of social conditioning most adults experience.

As a parent, your primary goal is likely to protect your child and nurture their gifts and talents. Psychic ability is a God-given gift, just like musical ability or creativity. So, to nurture your child's unique abilities, you first need to recognize them. Many psychic children display common traits.

Imaginative and Creative

Adults often perceive psychic children as highly imaginative and creative. For instance, they may draw fanciful pictures or weave intricate tales. Many also have imaginary friends, and they are quite insistent their friend is real. These are all signs your child is trying to make sense of psychic information they are receiving and communicating it at a developmentally appropriate level.


Because they lack the context for understanding psychic input, many psychic kids may appear anxious to the adults in their lives. This can manifest in different ways, such as social anxiety or shyness, repetitive behaviors, separation anxiety, or fear of the dark.

Highly Sensitive

Many psychic children appear highly sensitive. For some, it's physical sensitivity, such as extreme reactions to sensory input like strong smells or flavors, scratchy fabric, or overly bright lighting. Others display emotional sensitivity. Still others may experience environmental oversensitivity, such having a lot allergies.

Vivid Dreamer

Psychic information often manifests in dreams, so many psychic kids are vivid dreamers. These may be happy or benign dreams, but they can also manifest as nightmares or night terrors.

Empathetic and Nurturing

Kids with empathic abilities frequently display extreme empathy for others, even at a very young age. They may cry when others cry or get extremely upset when reading a book or watching a movie with a sad ending. Many also get what adults would term "overexcited" for upcoming events like holidays or a party because they pick up on the excitement of everyone around them. This deep empathy drives them to be nurturing to all others: people, animals, plants, and even toys and inanimate objects.

Boy holding a Tiny Newborn Kitten

Frequent, Unexplained Illnesses or Aches and Pains

Because they are sensitive to others and their environment, psychic kids may experience illnesses or discomfort that defies a doctor's diagnosis. Some have frequent headaches. Others have stomach issues with no obvious cause. This occurs because they are highly sensitive to others and may be experiencing many people's aches and pains as their own.

Unexplained Mood Swings

Similarly, a child who is sunny one moment and sad the very next instant might be psychically intuiting other people's emotions and taking them on as their own. This occurs because the child lacks the context or ability to recognize that the psychic information they notice from other people isn't theirs to take on.

Not a Great Sleeper

While it's true that some kids aren't great sleepers simply because they are wired that way, for others it may be signs of a psychic child. Their sleep may be interrupted by vivid dreams, or they may have trouble falling asleep or being in a dark, quiet room because without the stimulus of daytime life going on around them, suddenly the psychic information they receive comes right to the fore, interrupting their ability to ignore it.

Memories of a Past Life

If your child has ever talked about things such as, "Before you were my mom..." or "When I used to be (someone else)," they could be experiencing past life memories. Likewise, if they have knowledge of historic things that they wouldn't know about, they could be communicating memories from a past life. This can be a sign of psychic ability.

Poor Sensory Integration or Frequent Sensory Overload

If your child gets overloaded easily when there's a large amount of sensory stimulation, it could be a sign of psychic ability. Because they are trying to process not only outer sensory information but also psychic communication they're receiving, it can easily lead to overload that manifests as anxiety, meltdowns, or similar.

How to React if Your Child Is Psychic

If your child displays one or many of these traits, how you react will shape how they perceive themselves and their psychic abilities. Parental approval, love, and support are necessary for healthy emotional development and self-esteem, so it's essential that you react to these abilities in a way that makes your child feel loved and supported for who they truly are. As a parent of a psychic child, there are some things you can do to help them integrate their abilities in a healthy manner.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

When your child says or does something that seems psychic, don't react negatively. Instead, ask them open-ended questions or make statements that encourage them to express what they are experiencing, such as, "Tell me more about that," or "Why do you think that happened?" Then, allow them to share their experience fully by listening and asking age-appropriate follow-up questions. They don't need you to explain what's happening or tell them what to do, they simply need you to hear their truth.

Don't Judge

There's a lot of judgment in the world about psychic abilities, so it's natural that parents worried about their kids' well-being may be quick to say something judgmental. Your job as the parent of a psychic kid is to be their safe zone and give them a soft place to land as they explore their abilities. So, avoid making judgmental statements when your child tells you something that seems downright strange to you. Instead, make a non-judgmental statement such as, "That's so interesting. Tell me what you think that's about," or similar to encourage your child to continue to express themself. If your child thinks you are judging them, they will clam up and stop sharing things with you.

Avoid Negating Their Experience

Another natural tendency when a child shares an experience that seems strange is to say, "Oh I'm sure that's not really what happened," or similar. When you negate your psychic child's experience, it leads to a great deal of self-doubt. Instead, simply listen, support, and ask non-judgmental, open-ended questions.

Find a Mentor

There are many psychic adults who were once psychic kids. Chances are, most of them understand the challenges psychic children face because they went through it themselves. Many of these psychic adults are willing to serve as mentors for psychic kids. Visit a metaphysical fair near your home or do some research to identify psychics in your area, and then check to see if you can find one you vibe with who you feel will be a safe, loving, and nurturing mentor for your child.

Mother and daughter sharing a magic moment

Teach Mindfulness Practices

The sooner you can get a psychic kid engaging in mindfulness practices, the better off your child will be. Mindfulness can help them focus and be present in the moment, which can help calm any anxiety your child might have related to their experiences. Mindfulness practices can be anything that your child enjoys that keeps them present in the moment, from simple crafts projects or a hobby, to meditation, to movement activities such as martial arts or yoga.

Do Grounding Exercises

Grounding is an essential practice for all psychics, and it can help kids come up with a way to self-manage when they are experiencing overwhelm resulting from their abilities. Grounding connects your child to Earth energy. Teach them to ground by placing their bare feet flat on the ground (in grass is best, but indoors on a floor is okay too) and visualizing roots growing out from the bottom of their feet and into the Earth. Tell your child they can do this whenever they feel anxious.

Create a Bubble

Psychics need quiet time when they can be alone with their own thoughts instead of being constantly bombarded by psychic information. Teach your child an easy visualization for when they simply want to be alone with their thoughts (such as before they go to sleep at night). Have them put their hands on their solar plexus and imagine a big bubble popping out from inside of them and surrounding them completely. Tell them they can do this any time they want some quiet in their mind.

Encourage Creativity

Give your psychic child a creative outlet, whether it's writing simple poems and stories, engaging in imaginative play, painting pictures, playing with play doh, or singing silly songs. Creativity is a great way for all kids--but especially psychic kids--to express what they're experiencing in a safe and constructive way.

Make a Nighttime Spray

For psychic kids that are poor sleepers, make a simple nighttime "juju" spray that they can spray around their bedroom each night before they sleep to quiet the energy. To make it, fill an 8-ounce spray bottle ¾ full with water. Add 1 teaspoon of sea salt (or Himalayan pink salt) and three drops each of lavender, sage, and chamomile essential oils. Then, drop a small amethyst crystal in the spray bottle as well. Shake it up and spray it around the room before they turn out the lights.

Raising a Psychic Child

While it can be stressful to think about your child having psychic ability, more and more children are being born with it. Therefore, it's important you support your child and help them to develop healthy attitudes and coping mechanisms for this unique gift. The ability is a gift from the Divine, and helping your child to establish a healthy relationship with their intuition will serve them well as they grow into confident adults.

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