Automatic writing is a form of psychic channeling, and even beginners can learn to do it. When you engage in automatic writing, you set aside your ego, wants, and needs, and allow spirit to move your hands to form words.
Automatic Writing: A Primer
Automatic writing occurs when someone allows himself or herself to become a vessel through which messages can be channeled. These messages may come from the subconscious, divine guidance (such as spirit guides), or spirits. When you automatically write, you do not consciously control whatever it is you are using to create the words. Rather, you act as a scribe, allowing the information to flow through you and onto your medium. You may channel automatic writing in various formats including:
- Using a Ouija or spirit board
- Using a keyboard, such as a computer
- Taking a pen to paper
Examples of Automatic Writing
There are many works where the named author claimed to be channeling psychic information via automatic writing. A few of these works include:
- The Conversations with God series by Neale Donald Walsch - In his first book, Conversations with God, Walsch describes writing an angry letter to God and hearing a voice say over his shoulder, "Do you really want an answer to all these questions or are you just venting?" From there, Walsch showed up with his pen and paper and asked questions, and, according to Walsch, God answered through the process of automatic writing.
- A Course in Miracles - This is a well-known channeled work that was automatically written by Helen Schucman and William Thetford, Professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. Dr. Schucman describes an internal voice dictating what she should write, which eventually became A Course in Miracles.
Learn Automatic Writing
Regardless of whether you feel you have psychic ability or not, you may discover you can automatically write.
Step 1: Start With Meditation
While meditation isn't absolutely necessary for automatic writing, it can help you to learn to set aside your own personal agenda and allow information to flow through you. Try any form of meditation that works for you for at least 10 minutes most days of the week. Additionally, try to meditate for five to ten minutes before each automatic writing session.

Step 2: Set Aside 5 to 10 Minutes in a Place You Won't Be Disturbed
As you begin to attempt automatic writing, start only with short sessions so you don't get discouraged. In the beginning, five to ten minutes to practice is a good length of time. As you gain experience, you can pursue longer sessions. Go to a place where you will be comfortable and won't be disturbed. Minimize distractions; put away your phone and close down any email or messaging programs. Place objects around the room that inspire you such as crystals or spiritual icons.
Step 3: Start With Pen and Paper
Place a pen and a piece of paper on your desk. These are the most basic tools for automatic writing, so they're a good place to start. Make sure you have plenty of paper, your pen has plenty of ink, and you have spares available.
Step 4: Ask for Guidance
Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and say aloud or in your head, "Tell me what I need to know." Alternatively, you can ask a question, such as, "What do I need to know about my health?"
Step 5: Have No Expectations for Outcome
Try not to have any expectations about how the information will come to you, if it will come to you, or what will come to you. It's essential you step aside from your own expectations or wants for the outcome and allow spirit to answer instead of your brain.
Step 6: Take Pen to Paper
Then, pick up your pen and place the tip on the paper. Start to write. It doesn't matter what you write; just start writing. If you get stuck on a word, write the same word over and over again until new words come.
Step 7: Don't Edit, Control, or Judge
Don't pay attention to what you're writing and don't try to control the words that come. Write any words that come into your head or any words your hand feels like writing. Do not edit what you're writing, worry about spelling, syntax, or grammar, or judge anything you're writing. Just stay in the flow, without judgment or concern. Write until you feel finished or for five to ten minutes, whichever feels most comfortable for you.
Step 8: End Your Session and Give Thanks
When you stop writing, give thanks to whatever spirit or guidance has moved your hands. Put down the pen and touch the floor or go run your hands under cold water to break the energetic connection.
Step 9: Read What You Have Written
Now, go back and read what you have written. Does it make sense? Does it seem like nonsense? Allow yourself to be with the information for a few days without evaluating or judging it and then look at it again. If you need, ask for clarification in your next session.
Step 10: Keep Trying
Not everyone gets it on the first time, so keep trying. Try not to get discouraged, because the more frustrated you become, the less likely you will be to set aside your ego attachments to allow the messages to flow through writing. Try a few times per week after your meditation, keeping your sessions short.
Tips for Success
Consider the following tips:
- If you struggle with writing, try working first with a spirit board or Ouija board. Once you get used to stepping aside to allow channeling through the Ouija board, then move onto writing. Jane Roberts, a psychic medium who channeled the Seth material, started out with the Ouija board before moving onto automatic writing.
- Some people do better having specific questions answered. Write a list of questions before each session and read the question aloud or in your head (or write it on the paper), then place the pen on paper and allow the question to be answered.
- You may get thoughts in your head about what to write. This is fine. Write the thoughts that come into your head, but don't try to control them.
- Some people feel more comfortable at the keyboard. You can use the same process above, just place your fingers on the keyboard with a blank document up instead of using pen and paper.
- Be patient and allow the process to unfold. Try not to control the outcome but allow the words to flow without your interference.
Beginner No More
If you stay with it, you may be surprised to discover you can do automatic writing. By setting aside expectations and ego, you create a space where divine guidance can step in and flow through you and onto paper.