Pet psychics, also known as animal communicators, can facilitate better communication between you and your pet. By linking psychically to animals of all kinds, a pet psychic can help with many issues pets and their people face, such as behavioral problems, separation anxiety and end of life issues.
What Is a Pet Psychic?
A pet psychic is exactly what the name implies: a person with psychic abilities who can communicate with animals using animal telepathy, which is also known as intraspecies telepathic communication. Some pet psychics are also mediums, which means they have the ability to communicate with pets who have died. Animal communicators can talk with any type of an animal, reptile, mammal, insect, house pet, farm animals - there is no limitation.
Working With a Psychic to Communicate With Your Pet
Communication between pet psychics and your pets is two-way; that is, they communicate with your pets and your pets communicate with them. To do this, they use various forms of psychic ability, such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, mediumship, empathy and telepathy. According to Lorrie the Pet Psychic, the most common ways they receive communication from pets is via pictures and images, feelings, or words your pet shares with them.
So a pet psychic may receive impressions when connecting with your pet that they are able to translate into concepts she can share with you to facilitate a stronger relationship between you and your pet. Likewise, she can use the same types of communications to share information with your pet.
Services Animal Communicators Provide
Pet psychics provide a variety of services you can use for a stronger and more balanced relationship with your pet.
Help for Behavioral Issues
Pet psychics are often experts in pet behavior, and their ability to communicate with your pet about behavioral issues can help you understand the roots of the behavior and provide solutions that allow you to work with your pet to change undesirable behavior. For a behavioral issue, a pet psychic might take the following steps:
- Your pet psychic will gather a comprehensive history of the situation from you, asking about both your behavior and your pet's, as well as seeking information about how you've tried to remedy the situation in the past, what you feel may have caused the situation, and if you feel there are any contributing factors.
- She will then establish psychic communication with your pet, either in person or at a distance, and discuss the issue, asking the animal why the behavior is happening and communicating with your pet new expectations for behavior along with reasons for those expectations.
- Next, she'll hare her findings with you so you can understand your pet's behavior. She may also offer you modifications for your behaviors that are contributing to your pet's actions.
- She'll follow-up as needed to help with the ongoing issues if they remain.
For example, if your dog barks and wakes you up every night, a pet psychic might discover the behavior began when your dog was barking one night and you picked it up and carried it back to bed so you could sleep, thus establishing in the dog's mind a pattern or expectation. In other words, your dog trained you. In this situation, the pet psychic would communicate with the dog, explaining this behavior is unacceptable because you need to sleep so you can work and make money to feed them and tell them the new expectation is the pet goes to bed without barking. The psychic will also find the dog's reasons for barking, making sure there isn't a physical basis for it, and communicate any of those issues to you. The psychic may also give you suggestions about how to proceed, such as taking a firm stance with the dog, engaging in some type of reinforcement to stop the behavior, and help you to understand how your behavior contributed to your pet's behavior.
Getting to Know Your Pet Better
In some cases, you just may want a pet communicator to check in to see how your animal companion is doing. In this case, she will communicate with your animal to see if there are any issues the animal feels needs to be solved, whether there are pain or health issues, or if there are emotional needs the pet has that aren't being met. She will communicate this information with you and help facilitate ongoing communication with your pet to help solve any issues that come up.
Preparing Your Pet for Changes
If you're moving house, going on a trip, having a baby, getting a divorce, or any other major life changes, it affects your pet. A pet communicator can help you communicate these upcoming changes to your pet to help them know what they can expect, and can facilitate any ongoing communication about concerns your pet may have. She can also reassure your pet and help you know the best ways to prepare your pet for whatever change may be occurring.
End of Life Issues
Pet psychics can help you determine if your old or sick pet's quality of life is so poor it is time to euthanize, or whether the pet would rather die naturally. These can be difficult decisions to make, and having a psychic communicate with your pet can help reassure you that you are making the right decision for your pet.
Finding Lost Pets
If your pet is missing, a pet psychic can communicate with your pet and tell you if it is alive or dead. If your pet is alive, the psychic may be able to help you find the pet by ideas about where the pet is based on the surroundings your pet sees and communicates with you. The communicator may also be able to help guide your pet home or to some place safe via psychic communication.
Help You Communicate
Some pet psychics can also teach you to communicate with your animals. You may actually already be better at this than you realize, and a pet psychic can offer pointers to help you understand what it is your pet is telling you in these communications.
Finding Local Pet Psychics
Chances are, you can't flip to the pet psychics section of your yellow pages and find an animal communicator. However, there are ways to find local psychics. Because many work remotely, you can also find pet psychics in different areas to work with your animals at a distance.
- Ask your local vet, pet food store, animal clinic, animal rescue, humane society or groomer. While not all of them will have resources for you, some might, or they might be able to tell you who to ask.
- Look in a psychic directory such as Best Psychic Directory or AnimalCommunication.info.
- Enter the terms "pet psychic" or "animal communicator," and the name of your town in a search engine.
- Ask local metaphysical organizations, such as the Unity Church or a local paranormal or psychic group.
Do Your Research
Once you've located an animal communicator, do your research. Look for Better Business Bureau ratings, seek online reviews and ask for references from past clients. Locating a respected animal communicator may just facilitate a better understanding between you and your pets.