Indigo children are said to be the heralds of a spiritually evolved generation sent to assist in raising the frequency of human evolution through active changes. However, because they are spiritually wired so differently from the generations that came before them, a new type of "generation gap" has emerged between these younger old souls and the adults trying to raise and educate them. Thus, experts have identified traits and challenges common among indigo children.
Indigo Child Traits and Struggles
Don't let the name "child" fool you. Indigo children likely began arriving in the late 1950s in smaller numbers, and then more and more in future generations. In the 1970s, Nancy Ann Tappe coined the phrase indigo child to describe the aura she began seeing in children a decade earlier. According to Nancy, Indigo children exhibited specific characteristics, traits, and challenges. These are the commonalities that tie the indigos together, regardless of when they were born.
Empaths With Boundless Compassion
Indigo children have an abundance of compassion for those suffering. This compassion and their empathic abilities creates a two-edged sword. Strong empaths often find it difficult to be in large crowds when coupled with an abundance of compassion. It's easy to see why indigos often prefer to be by themselves and choose to live in remote areas.
Different From Other People Their Age
Indigo children are noticeably different from other people their age, and they probably noticed that even when they were very young. Others notice these differences as well. Because of these differences, indigos tend to withdraw into their own worlds. As kids, they often find school boring or constricting, and they long to grow-up and join the world. Some have a difficult time focusing on the things other children find captivating. Many are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
As adults, indigos are frequently dissatisfied with typical societal expectations and roles and therefore strike their own path. This may lead to unconventional careers, relationships, and lifestyle choices.
Challenge Authority
There is a streak of the rebel in most indigos. The power of authority is not something indigos tolerate. Those who were children in the 1960s and 1970s challenged the establishment and created major social upheavals. They view themselves as free souls, and no earthly authority has dominion over them. This makes it difficult for indigos to fit into an established society ruled by laws, social mores, and restrictions. Many indigos are antiestablishment, and some go on to create their own communes.

Highly Creative and Inventive
A true indigo displays a highly creative mind and imagination. Indigo children often grow up to become innovators and inventors. Their creations push society and the world in a new direction. Many indigos constantly reinvent themselves, pushing the envelopes and boundaries of the norms.
Spirituality Evolved
Indigos are highly spiritual people who show an interest in all things spiritual at an early age. They have a strong connection with their creator and don't have a lot of patience being told how the spiritual realm works. They have a very clear memory of that dimension and often go into careers where they can share their knowledge.
Psychic Abilities
Most indigos have highly developed psychic abilities. Some may pursue careers as spiritual mediums or offer their services to law enforcement. Many others prefer to stay out of the limelight and choose to use their psychic abilities more discreetly, such as working in advisory careers or healthcare services. Indigos often pursue careers in alternative medicine.
Interest in All Things Paranormal
Most indigos have a strong affinity for anything paranormal. They may serve as the spiritual medium for a paranormal investigation team or don the role of mediator for the bereaves wishing to contact deceased loved ones.
Sense of Purpose and Destiny
Most indigos have a strong sense of self. They know they have a mission and came into this world to see it through. Fulfilling their life purpose is the most important goal in everything they do.
Shun Material Possessions
While indigos seem to be part of their culture, they prefer to live comfortably rather than in poverty. Who wouldn't? Still, the indigo's goal isn't to accumulate massive wealth. Many indigos shun material possessions, recognizing how these can encumber their goal.
Career and Fulfilling Purpose
The indigo's greatest desire is fulfilling their purpose. If that requires having a career that doesn't pay well, they will do so gladly. They must feel satisfied that they're doing what they came here to do or they will quickly change careers.
Physical Characteristics of Indigos
Indigos were striking as children, and as they aged into adulthood, they retained those same physical markers. These physical characteristics are quite marked and common among Indigo adults. They include:
- Intense eyes mesmerize people.
- Weight management is often an issue.
- Some experience long-term illnesses.
- The inner light alters physical appearance with skin tone becoming lighter with age.
- Wisdom shines in depths of the eyes.
- Some choose an androgynous look over a specific gender.

Common Indigo Child Struggles
There are several problems an indigo child may face before finding their path. This is especially true if they haven't paid time and attention to developing their psychic and spiritual nature.

Lack of Direction
This ever-present feeling of destiny and needing to accomplish something can become a problem if the indigo doesn't delve deep into themselves to discover their role in life. Without that tether, they can bob about the world drifting from one thing to another.
Frustration Over Progress
Some indigos that haven't realized their mission become frustrated and depressed. Instead of expanding beyond their current reach, they shut themselves off from the world.
Entitled and Deserving
Some people claiming to be indigo children exhibit the traits of being entitled and feeling as though they deserve the best the world has to offer. These traits are often questioned as belonging to a true indigo and are rejected as nothing more than an excuse for bad behaviors and attitudes. A truly evolved spiritual being doesn't display these types of ego traits.
Controversy Over Identifying Indigos
Parents identifying their children as indigos came under criticism by the medical community, since many had children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other learning disabilities. Medical professionals accused parents of denying their children's medical conditions and instead labeling it a gift that wasn't understood by the medical community.
Exploring Indigo Child Characteristics and Struggles
The indigo child is a mix of characteristics and possible problems that challenge the underlying life purpose. Understanding their strengths and potential weaknesses can help indigos push through problem areas and continue their journeys.