5 Haunted Mines From Around the World and Their Creepy Histories

Published October 13, 2018
Miner working in Associated Gold Mine

There are haunted mines around the world that you can explore. Many mines have been abandoned and are no longer safe to enter. Some mines have been partially restored to allow visitors the experience of a mine as well as conducting ghost tours and paranormal investigations.

Exploring Abandoned Mines and Unusual Places

A mine explorer channel on YouTube, Exploring Abandoned Mines and Unusual Places, features the channel owner exploring the various mines and having paranormal experiences.

Waldeck Mine, California

The Waldeck Mine video of demonic sounding disembodied voices caused a lot of controversy. The videographer believed it sounds like snakes and never once said it was paranormal. However, critics believe the sound is from an iTunes soundtrack. What do you think?

Maggie Mine Ghost Tour, San Bernardino County, CA

Part of the San Bernardino County Regional Parks, the Maggie Mine Ghost Tour is conducted in low light. This 1881 mine dug by the Mulcahy Brothers is said to be haunted and you'll hear the many stories about the different ghosts. There's a park entry fee and then a fee for each tour. 11 years and older ($3), 5 to 10 years ($2) and 4 and under (free). Park Office: 77 East Rialto Avenue, San Bernardino, CA (909) 387-2757.

Oaks Mining Pit, Barnsley, England

One of the worst mining disasters in England happened in the Oaks Mining Pit in 1866. For a period of two days, a series of explosions ripped the mine. 361 men and boys died in the mine. The UK Paranormal-X team conducted an investigation and collected evidence of negative energy and even demonic activity. The team concluded that the land itself is cursed. Upon their second investigation, they used a haunted doll and received powerful EMF reading, Rem-pod activity and various contact from spirits, including one of the team members deceased father. The

Tonopah Mining Park, Tonopah, Nevada

One of the richest mining booms was in Tonopah, Nevada. The mines thrived producing gold, silver, copper, and lead. Up until 1947, the mines continued. However, a fire and then the railroad leaving, left the mining town desolate. Even Howard Hughes, who bought 100 claims in 1968 didn't find the kind of ore riches desired. Today, a few mines still operate.

Ghosts of the Mining town

The website states that paranormal investigators come from around the world to Tonopah Mining Park. You can visit the Burro Tunnel that leads into a mine. The tunnel goes to a steel cage where visitors can view the mining shaft that drops 500 ft. The Mizpah Mine Shaft has been restored and features a steel grate over the shaft that visitors can stand on and look down the shaft.

Ghost Stories and Tour

Hear about the many ghosts haunting the mines and town when you participate in a guided walking ghost tour. $5 (adults), $3 (seniors), $4 (hotel guest and ages 8 to 17), free (veterans and active duty). Open 7 days a week, winter (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.), summer (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Town of Tonopah, 140 S Main Street, Tonopah, NV 89049. (775) 482-6336

San Manuel Magma Copper Mine, San Manuel, Pinal County, Arizona

Once the largest underground copper mine in the world, The San Manuel Magma Copper Mine is said to be haunted by ghost miners and unexplained lights. One local ghost is called White Boots since the spirit wears a pair of white boots. The entity is said to haunt more than just the San Manual Magma Copper Mine, but many other mines around the world. The mine was closed in 2003, but Arizona began the largest open-pit reclamation project completed in 2006.

Haunted Mines Around the World

There are haunted mines around the world that have been abandoned. It's advised to never enter an abandoned mine. Instead, find one that allows guided tours to conduct paranormal investigations.

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5 Haunted Mines From Around the World and Their Creepy Histories