A red aura can have either a positive or negative meaning, depending on the range of color. By evaluating a red aura, you can easily determine what it says about your spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional auric bodies.
Understanding Your Red Aura Meaning
Many people jump right to the emotion of anger when they hear the aura emanating around someone is red. If your aura is red, don't panic. Consider what the various meanings of red auras are and decide which one best describes your current situation. Remember, auras change colors all the time, so a red aura is simply an indicator of what is going on with you at the moment.
- A red aura can reveal a very strong person, not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
- A red aura is often found in passionate people with very high sexual appetites.
- If you have a red aura, it's possible you are a very competitive person.

What a Red Aura Reveals about You
Recognizing what is considered a red aura will help you understand this color of vitality and how it reflects your overall health. The color range from light to dark red reveals a wide range of powerful emotions depending on the color value. It also shows you have a very active and powerful root chakra. The root chakra is vital to your health since it determines which earth energies and how much of them enter to travel through your other chakras to support your body.
Different Reds Have Different Meanings
A wide range of reds fall into the category of a red aura. This range can be from a pale blush red to a dark wine red.
Pale Blush Red
On the lightest spectrum of color is a pale blush red. The darker strength of passion is stretched and refined.
- This softer hue of red is often seen in artistic people. The sensuality that allows a person to perceive beauty and recreate it generates this auric color.
- People who are newly in love often emit a blush in their aura.
- A psychic will at times have a blush tinged aura. This hue can intensify when giving a reading.
Bright Red
A person with a bright red aura indicates a very passionate individual.
- If you're a highly sexual person, this energy will generate a bright red aura.
- A person involved in a competitive event will glow with a bright red aura.
- If you're involved in a project that you're very passionate about, this can be reflected by a bright red aura.
Dark Red
A dark red aura can be a positive indicator for anyone working on centering themselves.A dark red aura often appears as a positive indicator for an individual as long as it doesn't have a cloudy appearance.
- A person who has achieved the status of being grounded will often have a dark red aura.
- If you're focused and working toward being self-sufficient in life, your aura may change to a dark red.
Clouded Red Aura
Any color of red that is clouded indicates a negative cause. You can gauge the reason behind this color of aura based on personality and/or circumstances.
- If you're upset and angry over a recent situation, then this can show up in your aura as a clouded dark red.
- A person with a bad temper will often have this color aura.
- If you harbor mostly negative thoughts, then this kind of thinking will color your aura.
Root Chakra and Red Aura Connection
The first chakra is called the root chakra. This chakra is located at the base of your spine. It is the first three vertebrae and the pelvic floor. The root chakra is what grounds you. It is the gateway for the energies you receive from the Earth to flow to other chakras.

Emotions of Security and Safety
The feelings of security and safety are generated from the root chakra. When this chakra is open, your aura will often glow red. This can reach beyond the root chakra region or be localized in this area of your aura. The intensity and depth of a red aura defines these energies and their influence over your emotions and vice versa.
Root Chakra Mantra
The mantra for the root chakra that generates the red aura is LAM. The letter a in LAM is pronounced as "ah" with more of an "uh" sound. The root chakra is the grounding chakra of the earth and is where you get your sense of security and safety. It is the chakra that gives you the sense of who you are or, more aptly, it is known as the chakra of I am. While ego is found in the third chakra, it is grounded and powered by the root chakra through the sacral chakra (passions, pleasures, emotions, self-gratification, self-expression, and creativity).
A more modern personal mantra to restore, activate, or nourish your root chakra and red energy in your aura might be, "I am of this Earth. I find comfort and safety in nature and all that surrounds me. I belong here."
Red Aura Personality Traits
A red aura means the person is very direct in their dealings with other people. They expect the same kind of honesty in others. This person is innately optimistic and thrives in an active environment. In fact, they seek adventure and genuinely enjoy all types of competitions.
The red aura person is very passionate and at time can be too intense for less energetic people. This high energy level is often viewed as aggressive to more complacent types of people. Red aura personalities seek out new challenges as well as new experiences, so traveling is always on their calendar. They are eager to try most things at least once.
Negative Traits
There are some negative tendencies with a red aura. The person may be prone to outbursts of anger. The good news is whenever this happens, it is usually short-lived like a fire flaming from a burst of wind and then dying down once the breeze has settled. Once that built up energy is released, they are back to their normal selves.
There can be a tendency to be impatient since this is such a high energy level. The expectation that everything and everyone will move as decisively and quickly as they do can make this energy become nervous when it is forced to wait. This personality can also be fairly set in their ways. That's because they don't like to change things up unless they are the ones initiating the change. This has more to do with a need to be in control, which is anchored with the need to feel safe and secure (root chakra).
Social Life and Friendships
Red aura people have very active social lives. Meeting new people and exploring potential relationships is exciting. Once they commit to a friendship, you won't find a more loyal friend. They aren't comfortable with anyone who prefers a safe, quiet lifestyle. Their friends need to be able to keep up with them. This make is difficult for some people to maintain a relationship with red aura people. Few people can sustain the high level of adrenaline, risks, and physical action that drives a red aura person.
For this personality, life is a big adventure, and they intend to explore as much of it as possible. The more people they can take with them on this quest, the happier they are. When they find someone who is an equal, they'll do everything in their power to ensure they remain friends. They prize the person as a peer and companion.
Career and Life Purpose
It isn't surprising that red aura people are drawn to careers where they're managers or entrepreneurs. Some of the professional fields of interests may include medicine, hospitality, real estate, marketing, and public relations. High risk professions are always attractive to red aura people, such as professional sports, firefighting, stock market, and the military. These are natural born leaders and whatever task they undertake, they always shine as a leader.
Spiritual Aspirations
Red aura people believe in the things they can touch. While they are logical thinkers, the spiritual realm offers them the possibility of the greatest adventure into the unknown. Root chakra energy motivates them to explore the spiritual realm with the same level of excitement and enthusiasm as with all discoveries in life. Their natural risk-taking attitude makes them a good candidate for astral projection, past life regression, and other spiritual venues.
Spirits and Red Orbs
It's commonly believed that spirits often assume the shape of an orb. The various orb colors have specific meanings. A red orb is typically said to be that of an angry spirit, while a paler red or pink orb is a more loving and accepting spirit.
Many Meanings for Red Auras
There are many meanings attributed to red auras. These can range from being happy, feeling sexy and creative, to being angry. If your aura turns red, review your current situation to assess the possible meaning.