Scotland has no shortages of haunted castles in its ancient land. Scotland is one of the most haunted countries in the world, and filled with stories of ghosts, witches, demons, and other supernatural beings wandering around castle halls and chambers. Some of the same ghosts are credited with haunting several castles.
#1 Ghosts of Stirling Castle (Stirling)
Stirling Castle is under an hour away from both Glasgow and Edinburgh, making it an easy day trip. The castle has an impressive number of ghosts. Most of these spirits have colorful stories told by highly skilled ghost tour guides.
The Ladies of Stirling Castle
The Green Lady, Blue Lady, Pink Lady, Black Lady, and White Lady all haunt Stirling Castle, but it's the Green Lady who is the most famous. She's also the most feared of the four ghosts and said to be an omen of doom, gloom, despair, and even death.
- Green Lady: This spirit could be a Commander's grieving daughter who committed suicide when her father murdered her lover. Another possible identity is Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, or Mary's serving girl, who died after accidentally setting the Queen's chambers ablaze.
- Blue Lady: Her identity is unknown, but this spirit is also considered a messenger of doom and ill-fate.
- Pink Lady: Two stories give possible identities to this spirit. She is either a young noblewoman pining for her Scottish knight, or an old woman seeking revenge against grave robbers who stole her flesh to sell to learning surgeons. Her presence is announced by the scent of roses.
- Black Lady: This ghostly nun haunts the Back Walk, a pathway encircling Holy Rude graveyard. She seeks her lover, a priest. Don't let her see you, or you'll be dead by dawn.
- White Lady: Another ghost lady with no identity, she is equally feared.
Other Ghosts at Stirling Castle
In addition to the ladies of the castle, there is a large cast of frightening haints inside and outside the castle walls such as Brother Damian the Flying Friar and the monstrous spirit of The Hanged Man of Stirling Tolbooth. With over 30 castle spirits, each with their own tale of the cursed, visitors keep a watchful eye for the ghostly cast that includes the devil, witches, poltergeists, selkies, and many other phantoms.
#2 Haunted Edinburgh Castle (Edinburgh)
Edinburgh Castle is located in the capital city of Scotland, Edinburgh, in the Lothian region at the Firth of Forth. Time magazine named this location as one of the 10 most haunted places on earth. Built in the early part of the 12th century as a military fortress, the castle is now a tourist destination.
Castle Ghosts
Some of the resident ghosts include:
- Lady Janet Douglas of Glamis: In 1537, she was accused of being a witch and was burned alive at the stake. Since her death, she's roamed the halls.
- Headless drummer: In 1650, people began to see and hear this frightening ghost.
- Ghost dogs: Ghostly dogs are seen in the dog graveyard, especially one called Greyfriars Bobby.
2001 Paranormal Investigation
Skeptic psychologist and ghost debunker Dr. Richard Wiseman of Hertfordshire University recruited 240 volunteers for a 10-day paranormal study at the castle. Volunteers had no knowledge of Edinburgh hauntings. Over half of the volunteers experienced some form of paranormal encounter in areas known to have paranormal activity. These included:
- Unexplained sudden drops in temperature
- Shadow figures seen about the castles
- Feeling of someone touching their faces and tugging clothing
#3 Paranormal Activity at Glamis Castle (Angus)
Glamis Castle is located in Angus, just five miles southwest of Forfar and 12 miles north of Dundee. Duncan's Hall is considered the most haunted area of Glamis Castle. Shakespeare chose it for his setting of Macbeth slaying King Duncan.
Secret Chamber
Among the mysterious aspects of the castle is the famous secret chamber supposedly hidden deep within the castle somewhere in the crypt walls. The story goes the Lord of Glamis played cards with the Devil on the Sabbath which resulted in such a disturbance that the chamber was sealed.
Ghosts of Glamis Castle
There have been many reports of eerie sounds, such as the screams of a man being tortured and the banging of a hammer. Guests have reported seeing an old woman who vanished and a ghost in armor moving through a guest's bedroom.
Regular resident spirits include:
- The White Lady: The Lady of Glamis was burned at the stake for witchcraft and her spirit is said to haunt this castle, too.
- The Gray Lady: This unknown spirit wanders inside and outside the castle. Over 100 people once saw her at the same time.
- Young servant boy: This youth is seen sitting inside the Queen Mother's Sitting Room.
#4 Piper Spirit at Duntrune Castle (Argyll)
This 12th-century castle in Argyllshire sits on 5,000 acres that includes six coastline miles. Duntrune Castle also boasts five miles along the River Add. Built to serve as a stronghold for the MacDougall Clan, it's known as the "oldest continuously inhabited castle in Scotland." The Clan Campbell seized the castle and eventually sold it in 1762 to the O'Challums (anglicized to Malcolm). The estate claims that its resident ghost, the handless piper, is well-authenticated.
The Piper of Duntrune
The handless piper saved Sir Alistar MacDonald and the clan from an ambush by the Campbell Clan by playing The Piper's Warning. In retribution, the Campbells chopped off the piper's hands, and he bled to death.
The story of the handless piper was generally believed to be a myth, even though many people over the years claimed to hear his music. In the 1880s, the handless piper's remains were discovered during castle renovations. At long last, the piper received a proper burial.
Other Paranormal Activity
The music isn't the only paranormal activity going on in Duntrune Castle. Witnesses claim to have seen furniture moving on its own, and objects have mysteriously been thrown against the walls by an unseen force and shattered to the floor.
#5 Servant Spirits of Balmoral Castle (Ballater)
A favorite Scottish home for the Royal Family, Balmoral Castle is located in Aberdeenshire. It was purchased in 1852 by Prince Albert for his wife, Queen Victoria. The original castle was torn down once Prince Albert's new castle was completed in 1856; it was built only 100 yards from the original castle. A stone was placed where the front door of the original castle once was.
Ghost of John Brown
A beloved friend of Queen Victoria, John Brown, a servant, is frequently seen moving about the castle corridors. It was rumored that the Queen was in love with Brown. His ghost was reportedly seen by Queen Elizabeth II during a stay in the castle.
#6 Green Lady of Crathes Castle (Near Banchory)
The Crathes Castle in Aberdeenshire was home to the Burnett family from the last half of the 1500s until the family donated the castle and its gardens to the National Trust for Scotland in 1951. Not a famously known Scottish family, the Burnetts were highly distinguished admirals, generals, judges, and bishops. The main part of the castle is six stories high.
The Green Lady
The Green Lady is mostly seen in the castle tower. Witnesses have seen her move across the tower room to pick up a ghost child and then walk through the fireplace, disappearing. Even Queen Victoria once witnessed the ghostly figure. The tower room is known as The Green Lady's Room.
During renovations, the skeletons of a woman and child were discovered in the wall near the fireplace. Their identities are unknown and they were given a "proper burial," but the apparitions continue to be seen in the tower.
In 2013, Claire Stewart snapped a photo of her seven-year-old daughter, Melissa, while visiting the castle. It wasn't until later that evening that she reviewed the day's photos that she saw the spooky apparition by her daughter. Many people believe the strange photo captured the spirit of the Green Lady.
#7 White Lady of Meggernie Castle (Perthshire)
Built in the late 17th century near the head of Glen Lyon, Meggernie Castle sits between Perth and Kinross. Its gardens were replanted during the mid-19th century. The castle estate landscaping includes the amazing original Caledonian pine forest. The grounds are so incredible Meggernie has been dubbed a "work of art."
The White Lady
The castle has a rather fun ghost, a very flirtatious female called the White Lady. She isn't shy at all and loves to be seen. She reveals herself to the castle staff workers regularly and loves to flirt with male visitors. Male guests have claimed the White Lady kissed them, waking them from sleep. The story about this apparition identifies her as the wife of the Menzies clan chieftain.
The White Lady is a unique ghost since she has two halves - upper torso and lower body- that are seen in different parts of the castle. The lower half of her body is seen wandering the lower floors of the castle and the castle grounds. Her upper half materializes along the upper castle floors, especially the staircase. The White Lady story explains that her jealous husband murdered her and then chopped her body in half so it would be easier to dispose of her remains. She's never seen whole, just in halves.
#8 Specters of Birkwood Castle (Lesmahagow)
It's not your typical ancient Scottish castle, but Birkwood Castle located in Lanarkshire is known as one of Scotland's most haunted. According to the Daily Mail, Glasgow Paranormal Investigations, a popular TV series, stated the castle was "one of the most active locations in which they had filmed."
The castle was built in 1860 as a family residence. It's referred to as a Gothic mansion and was later converted into a hospital to serve mentally disabled children. The hospital was closed in 2002 and in 2014, the property was approved to be turned into a boutique hotel and mixed luxury residential development. However, workers undertaking the renovations encountered a major setback when a wall collapsed. Paranormal investigators believed that angry ghosts tore down the wall in rebellion against eviction.
Ghosts That Haunt Birkwood Castle
The Scotsman detailed some of the hauntings people have experienced over the past as well as the evidence paranormal investigators have captured. Some of these include:
- Ghost children haunt the halls.
- Michael, a young boy haunts the grand spiral staircase that claimed his life when he toppled from it.
- A young girl's sobbing and singing echoes from various castle rooms.
- The smell of cigar smoke has prickled the nostrils of visitors and former staff members.
- Power surges and other electrical disturbances are experienced.
- Phantom footsteps have been heard.
- A doctor who died at the hospital is seen in windows.
#9 Resident Ghosts at Eilean Donan Castle (Dornie)
The Eilean Donan Castle is perhaps the most recognized Scottish castle thanks to the Highlander films. The castle was built in the 13th century by the Clan Mackenzie and Clan Macrae as a defense against the vikings. The castle shielded Robert the Bruce and later was used as a stronghold during the Jacobite Rebellion.
It's steeped in a bloody past. For example, the Earl of Moray ordered the heads of 50 men he had slain to be displayed on the castle walls. In 1719, it was destroyed by the English government and sat in ruins until 1911 when Lt. Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap purchased the castle and began restoring it. The restoration was completed in 1932.
Resident Ghosts
There are two main resident ghosts. One is said to be the spirit of a Spanish soldier who helped the Jacobites defend the castle and was killed in battle. The apparition of the headless soldier in a Spanish uniform is often seen in the castle gift shop, carrying his head underneath his arm.
The other ghost is known as Lady Mary. The female ghost is said to be the spirit of Mary, Queen of Scots, who is also credited with haunting several other castles in Scotland. Lady Mary is seen in the castle bedrooms of Eilean Donan Castle.
#10 Restless Spirits of Drumlanrig Castle (Dumfries and Galloway)
The 17th century Drumlanrig Castle in Dumfriesshire is part of the 120,000 acre Queensberry Estate and is the family home of the Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch and Queensberry. It also boasts some rather unique spirits.
Ghostly Residents
There are several ghosts and other types of spirits haunting the massive castle.
- Lady Anne Douglas: The lady is seen dressed in white and carries a stylish fan in one hand and her head in the other.
- Monkey-like creature: This disturbing apparition is found in the Yellow Room.
- Phantom dog: Witnesses have seen a phantom dog described as an Alsatian.
Castle Ghosts in Scotland
There is a wealth of haunted castles in Scotland and the majority are open to the public. You should always check with the castle administration about possible ghost tours and investigations before undertaking your own.