If a spider crawls across your laptop screen, sits by the bathtub while you're soaking, drops onto your lap, or enters your dreams, it's time to take the hint. The spider spirit animal is attempting to communicate with you.
Spidery Messages of Encouragement and Affirmation
The spider is the ultimate weaver and if the spider is one of your spirit guiding animals, then you can rely upon its ability to weave your path to achieve your destiny. The energy of the spider is considered feminine and, as a spirit animal, it's referred as the female gender. It requires an open mind on your part and a willing spirit to accept this spirit animal's guidance. The spider spirit animal arrives to impart her wisdom as your teacher and mentor.
The spider offers you insights and revelations about challenges you may be facing. For example, if you're facing a life or career challenge, the spider arrives with the message of perseverance and patience. The spider knows all about challenges when she undertakes the task of weaving a web.
She must be patient as she weaves her web and once completed, she must lie in wait for her prey to be trapped in her web. You can borrow the spider's patience to fortify you whenever needed. You may be waiting to reap the rewards of your hard work. You may need spider type patience to see a project to the end or patience when dealing with relationship issues.
The spider tries to build her web in a place where it won't be disturbed. However, it often is, and she must start over. Her message to you is not to give up if your plans are derailed. She advises you to do as she does and stay focused on your goals until you achieve them, no matter how many times you have to start over or rebuild.
Your spider spirit animal can guide you towards your path of destiny. If the spider has appeared to you while you're contemplating or are starting a new career, new relationship, project, or other endeavor, then her arrival is regarded as confirmation you're on the right path. This green light approval should be embraced with enthusiasm and determination.
Energy of Nurturing and Creativity
In many ancient cultures, the spider is symbolic of motherhood. You may be in a place where you need the kind of loving care only a mother can give. When your spider spirit animal shows up, she's reminding you to practice self-nurturing and self-care by making time for yourself. The spider knows how easy it is to get caught up in the daily duties of work and home, but she appears to you as a reminder to never neglect yourself.
The spider spirit message may be one of creativity. Spiders are viewed as a powerful catalyst and will enter your life to help you reconnect with your creativity. As a master of creativity, she knows that each time she weaves a web, she must be creative in how she positions it so she can snag the most prey.
Her very survival depends on these strategies. More importantly, she must reinvent the web each time she spins it. No two webs are ever the same, requiring her to constantly tap into her creativity. Her message is that you, too, can tap into an endless well of creativity. If your life has become stagnant with routine and the mundane, the spider has appeared to remind you of the well-spring of self-fulfillment creativity offers. Cast off the doldrums and embrace a surge of creative energies. Choose a creative endeavor and pursue it whole heartedly.

Courage to Face Your Darker Self
One important lesson that the spider brings to you is the practice of introspection. She challenges you to delve deeply into your psyche/soul to examine all the nooks and crannies. You'll need to seek out all those darker recesses of yourself to eradicate self-imposed limitations. These may be ideological precepts, or your own misunderstandings about relationships, society, or life in general.
The spider encourages you to pull anything hidden into the light, so you can fully examine it, reconcile it, and make peace with it. It is the only way to completely release its negative control over you, such as negative memories, emotions, thoughts, and so on.
However painful it may be, the purpose is to move through the darkness and back into the light a stronger, freer, and more open person who can embrace life and all the challenges life presents to you. It's through facing self and challenges that you'll gain your higher self and can proceed with your spiritual growth and development.

Gain Insight and Use Latent Abilities
The spider reminds you that even if you would have six or eight eyes like it does, this abundance of eyes doesn't mean you have excellent vision. Just as the spider can't see that well, you may be suffering from a lack of vision. The spider inspires you to see your life through a different set of lenses and to take a 360° perspective of all situations you face.
The spider must rely upon her other senses in order to live and catch her prey, especially her sense of touch. When the spider enters your life, it brings a message of using all of your senses. This is especially true for those with intuitive and psychic abilities. Like the spider, you are guided to trust your instincts and intuition instead of the things you may or may not see.
Spider Spirit Animal Messages Can Guide You
The spider spirit animal has many messages and symbolizes various things within your life. By learning patience and listening to the wisdom your spider spirit animal wants to impart, you can discover a new spiritual dimension in your life.