If you're looking to make changes in your life, then working with someone who can cast free, online spells may be able to help you to focus your intention towards your goals. There are a number of websites where you can request free, online spell work.
Ashra Free Online Spells for Love
Ashra is a trained spell caster who does some free love spell work providing you follow a specific set of instructions.
- First, visit her Free Love Spell page and click the red "Contact Ashra" button on the right side of the page below her photograph.
- You will need to provide your full name, date of birth, lover's name, and your email address.
- Enter "Free Love Spell" in the subject line.
- In the body, in the first line use the words Free Spells.
- In the next paragraph, describe what your issue is and what you are seeking in detail.
Ashra notes that you will not be notified when or if the spell is cast, and the results may manifest quickly, or they may take years. If you're seeking a more powerful and directed spell, you Ashra also offers paid love spells.

Free Love Spells by Joshua
Joshua is retired and casts free love spells for people who fit his criteria. You can reach out to Joshua and request a free love spell by filling out an online form. You will need to supply your gender and the gender of your beloved, as well as the first and last name for both of you, date of birth of the person you want the spell cast on, your email address, and what you've tried to repair the relationship. Joshua notes he will not be able to cast all spells requested. However, to improve your chances, these are his criteria for love spell work:
- You must truly believe your relationship is meant to be.
- You must have exhausted all possible means of getting together.
- You must love the person you're requesting the spell for.
- You must be at least 18.

Spirited Guru's Free Online Money Spells
If you're looking for a free money spell, first try Spirited Guru's free, self-serve money spell chant. If that doesn't work, then you can email the website and request a custom spell. To do this, click the link above and provide your name and address as well as what spell you'd like cast.

WitchBeMe's Free Wiccan Spell Casting
WitchBeMe casts free spells from everything from lost love to lost pets. To receive a free spell, comment on any post on the website with your request. You'll need to leave first and last name, email address, and the spell you'd like cast for you. You must be over 18, and in return for having the spell cast, you must leave a positive comment on the website after the spell is cast.

Cast Your Own Free Spells
With a little guidance, you can also do your own spell casting work, which is a great way to get spell work for free.
- White Candle Magic Spells teaches you to cast spells for blessings, healing, protection, and more using white candles and a few other supplies.
- Cast your own love spells using a white candle and other objects and supplies.
- Improve your luck with Candle Burning Spells for Good Luck.
- If you'd like to improve prosperity, try Wiccan Candle Spells for Money and Prosperity.
- Fertility Spells With Candles teaches you to use candles to cast a spell to help with fertility issues.
- Looking for a job? Try casting a candle spell for employment.

Free Spell Casting and Intention
Having a spell cast for you - or casting your own spell - is another way to focus intentional energy towards what you desire. Therefore, before you seek a free spell online, make sure you are clear about what it is you want, and then move forward with positive intention. It's also important to understand that spell work shouldn't be used to overcome other people's autonomy or will. Therefore, always keep in mind the highest and greatest good for everyone involved before you seek a free spell or cast one of your own.